Specimen 1: The Arrival

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The creaking and grinding of metal gears never seemed to cease as the old rickety bus made its drive from Minesotta to New York City. The few passengers aboard only grew restless yet had the nothing to do except doze off before entering the city that never sleeps. Near the front held an elderly couple that had fallen asleep on each other's shoulders all the while their hands entangled with each other whilst the back contained the small beginnings of a band with few members tapping against the metal, humming to a beat they would try to compose. 

And within the middle barrier of the bus held only one guest within its slightly cushioned seats, a woman fresh out of college resting her head against the cold glass as her glasses slipped from her button nose and a James Patterson book rested openly on her lap. 

It was only when the bus had hit a pot hole in the road did she awaken with her head bumping against the cold surface and a groan escaping her sleep stricken state. The poor girl was slightly taken aback and confused as to where she was at before recollecting her last known thought. Delilah had to adjust her glasses slightly as the metal frames dug into her skin, fixing them once more so that they could sit properly as well as wipe away the sleep that encrusted in her eyes. A yawn yearned to escape and allow her to scream silently as she let out a gust of air in the process, stretching slightly while in her seat. Though she flinched in her seat when feeling the newest book of her obsession falling from her lap, she caught it in time before making contact with the somewhat dirty grimy floor amd folded a small crease in the books page to save her place until the next visit. She looked out the window as she drew her jacket in closer to keep her warm, had she known that the bus heat nor conditioning was unoperational she would have chosen a different ticket for another route. But, she knew she needed to get there soon, not only for the newest job position opening, but, to the insistent person that has been making her phone vibrate upon every hour with text message after text, even voice texts every now and then. 

Speaking of phones. 

Another vibration buzzed in the soft humming atmosphere. 

Delilah pulled out her stone grey phone and read yet another text from her brother, she could only shake her head as she chuckled lightly before unlocking her phone to read the latest message. 

Little Brobrat: Del when are you getting here and God please tell me it's soon! I'm tired of waiting...

Only to giggle at the eagerness in the message to see her again, she typed back with thought as her smile only grew from there, she watched the scenery change and the crossing of the bridge came closer.  She took a picture of the cities glowing lights on the other side as the passing of neighboring cars came and went in the view of the camera lense.

Me: is this a good enough guess? 

She stayed on the messaging screen as she awaited for another response from him, just smiling more as she imagined seeing his goofy grin again. Openly awaiting for an emoji to pop up or even a facetime to show on her end of the phone, however, after some time had passed she knew that the last image text was sufficient enough to keep him silent the rest of her travels. She only smiled as the screen changed to her and the goofy red head making awkward faces at the camera and locked her phone. Looking back it had been nearly eight years since she'd gone back to New York, so focused with her studies and her part time work in Minnesota's local library she hadn't had the time nor money to make it back; though some part of her hadn't regretted that decision to leave and it was that same reason she dreaded to come back. 

Eddie Brock. 

Her hands clenched together slightly as her smile soured to a frown. It had hurt to leave so quickly to her scholarship in Minnesota State, but, it hurt even more that she didn't say goodbye to him. And when hearing that he'd been looking for her was all the more heartbreaking, she didn't want to interfere with his happiness and she didn't want to be there when he was around her, Gwen Stacey. Some part was selfish, to not want to constantly feel the pain in their happiness, but, another part was jealous of her, hard as it may seem, she longed to be with Eddie since they were in middle school together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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