Chapter Two

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"So, class, I am going to give you an assignment. You will have a partner, and no, you cannot choose your own partner. You will have 2 months to work together with your partner. Practice trusting each other, because in acting, if you can't trust the people you are acting with, the scene will be a mess. You need to trust, and make eye contact and have a connection with the person or people that you are acting with. You need to learn how to act comfortable around people you may not be so comfortable with. Some of you seem to have trouble showing emotions and that is a problem, so you are also going to be practicing showing emotions with your partner. For example, if one of you were to tell a joke, the other is to overly laugh about it. Laugh ten times harder than you would normally. Understand? I will start telling you who your partners are." I zoned out as the drama teacher started calling out pairs for this assignment. I can't believe that she isn't letting us pick our own partners, she usually does. With my luck, I'm going to be paired with the worst person possible. I zoned back in as I heard my name being called.

"Adalyn and Luke." Shit. I said that I was gonna get paired with the worst possible person and I did. Why did I get paired with Luke Hemmings. Now I'm going to have to spend time with him.

"You will have to write a two page essay about what you learned about trusting your partner, etc, handed in by the end of the two months. Find your partner and discuss when you will be able to meet up." Luke walks over to me and sits down.

"We'll meet at your house everyday after school and on Saturdays, okay?" He asked rudely.

"Um, yeah sure, I guess." I mumble. I'm still mad that I got partnered with Luke. Lets just hope that he isnt as much of an asshole as I think he is.

* * *

It's the end of the day, right after math class. I'm at my locker, putting away my books while having a conversation with Calum, my boyfriend, when Luke walks up to us.

"Lets go."

"What?" I ask, confused.

"We have to work on our assignment." Luke states.

Oh. I completely forgot about the assignment, since drama is the first class of the day. Meanwhile, Cal is standing there confused.

"What assignment?" He asks.

"Our drama teacher gave us an assignment and we have to learn to trust each other, etc."


"Yeah. Well, I have to go. I'll call you later, okay?" I shut my locker, then, stand on my tippy toes to give Calum a quick kiss before I lead Luke out of the school.

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Lol for the assignment I completely made that up. I went to this Theater Extravaganza camp for a week and in the acting part they talked about not being afraid to step out of your comfort zone and how you need to trust your partner and make eye contact or something like that so I made up this exercise thing and used those tips in it.

Sorry it's kind of short, I promise, I'll try to make the chapters longer. I just wanna get the story going a little bit first.

Comment please! I really want to know what you think and if you are liking the story so far.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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