Two Bodies, One Heart

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Give me your gloves.

She had many of those, stored safely in a separated chest, should the ones she wore was ruined beyond repair, for it had happened many times before as she exercised her ability to remain calm and to control her magic the way her father had taught her. To conceal and not to feel, to not let anyone knows of it.

Yet there was only one pair that she had kept securely all these years, could not bring herself to wear it again for she was afraid she would damage the very fabric of it, her very first ones that once belonged to her mother. She wore gloves the way Hans would, not to conceal any sort of magic but out of a habit that had grown within themselves, and when Elsa had lost control of her power for the very first time, when she had injured her own sister and have their fate decided upon themselves then, her Father had told his wife to give her gloves for the young girl to wear, despite it being too large for her hands, to see if it could truly keep her magic inside and in check.

She could learn to control it. Her Mother had been the most hopeful, had been the one that initially objected to the idea of her daughters' separation from each other, for they were nothing but children, young and naïve. She was always been the one who searched for answers to how she could help her oldest, on why she had been born the way that she was, for she desired nothing but for the four of them to become family again.

Opening one of the drawers on her vanity, her eyes laid on the old gloves there, untouched and secured, giving some sort of relief, for no matter what, no matter what had happened, she kept assuring herself that her Mother still believed in her, believed that she could finally fulfill her wish for the sisters to mend their bond.

Even her own reflection reminded her of her own Mother, many had claimed that she was the one who shared the most features with the late Queen aside from the color of her hair, and she wondered if she had been born normal, had been born without the icy touch that she possessed, that her hair would have the color of that of her Mother's.

The arms that come to wrap themselves around her waist prompted a quiet sigh to escape her lips as she leaned back against her husband's chest, his sturdy figure was able to make her feel that he could shield her from anything, anything but her own mind. "Are you alright?" His murmur was quiet against the back of her ear, nose brushing against her skin, and after their night of passion his touches could no longer startle her power into freezing the inside of her gloves.

"I'm fine." Watching them in the reflection of the mirror before her, she noted the way he held her and the way her body responded to it, one of her hands had moved up to reach his jaw while the other had pushed the open drawer back in, and even the high-collared dress could not prevent his exploring lips to pepper her jaw with his feather kisses. "We have to go, Hans." For even as much as she enjoyed being with him, she could not just abandon her responsibilities.

With fingers grasping her chin, he brought her to face him, planting a lingering kiss on her lips before he had finally let her go, stepping back as she made one last look on the reflection, eyes looking for even a strand of platinum blonde hair falling out of the bun, and only when she had found none did she let her eyes darted away.

Even through the gloves they both wear his hand was warm as he took hers in his grasp, bringing her knuckles to his lips as he kissed it, and never once did his gaze on her was broken. "You're capable of more than you know, Elsa."


She felt strangely familiar with the whole situation.

Finding herself in her study, and yet she sat on the lounge by the large window instead of behind her desk, waiting. She could feel the golden band beneath her glove as she fiddled with the small piece of jewelry that had never once left her finger, the smooth surface rolled against her skin as she wished, just for once, she could have the courage to take her gloves off long enough to see light reflecting off her ring. There was no rush in her request, and yet she could not help but wonder of how much longer she should sit so quietly.

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