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"-And now we're here.", Jungkook said, smirking slightly as he walked to Hoseok and tightened his chains. "They have nothing to do with this, you sick fuck!", Yoongi shouted, seemingly trying to get out of his bindings. "I guess he did get it from you. Mochi called me a sick fuck too.", Jungkook laughed.

He crouched down next to Hoseok and grabbed his jaw, turning his head towards him. Hoseok was still knocked out cold. The drug that was injected into him was purposefully stronger than what Jungkook had injected into the others. "So, he owns Mochi's heart? Why?", Jungkook asked Yoongi, tightening his grip on Hoseok's jaw.

Yoongi could see that Jungkook was extremely bothered by Hoseok's presence and decided to push his buttons a little more. "He took Jimin's virginity a couple days ago too.", Yoongi smirked. Jungkook turned sharply towards Yoongi. "...what..?", he muttered.

"Yeah I could hear Jimin's moans from my room. Ah~ Hoseok~ Mooore~!". Yoongi imitated Jimin's moans just to bother Jungkook even more but in actuality, it was painful for him to relive. Jungkook was staring back at Yoongi. His eyes were wide, but his eyebrows were not raised, but his expression somehow showed annoyance. He let go of Hoseok's jaw and walked over to the wall with all the knives on it.

Picking up a small kitchen knife, he walked back over to Hoseok and put it against his throat. "Wait, Jungkook! No!". He had already cut a small slit by the time Yoongi shouted in disapproval. "You can't!", he continued. "Give me one good reason...", Jungkook snapped, losing the small amount of patience that he had. "You'd make Jimin sad!", Yoongi said on impulse.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and titled his head to the side. "But I like it when Mochi cries. It turns me on.", he said in a childish tone. "But-", Yoongi interjected. "Nevermind, I keep forgetting who you are. He'd probably hate you too if he doesn't already.", he continued. Jungkook dramatically dropped the knife.

"Well, we can't risk that happening, now can we?", he laughed, walking away from Hoseok and sitting in a small metal chair on Yoongi's side of the room. Yoongi let out a sigh of relief as if he'd been holding a breath for hours. Just then, Jimin began to stir on the other side of the room.

Yoongi looked at Jimin and then at Jungkook. "He's waking up...", Yoongi hesitated. "I know~", Jungkook cooed. "Mochi~", he called out, walking over to Jimin. "I know you're awake, so open your eyes.", his tone suddenly changed, along with his expression. Jimin's eyes slowly fluttered open, and landed on Jungkook.

"Ah, there it is~! That look of helplessness...I wanted to see that.", Jungkook laughed. He put a hand to Jimin's cheek and caressed it softly with his thumb. "I missed you.". Hearing those words, Jimin's face contorted into one of disgust and he turned away from Jungkook. Seeing this, Jungkook tilted his head again. "Why won't you look at me..?", he said, timidly.

Jungkook tried turning Jimin's head back towards him, but Jimin resisted heavily. "Look at me, Mochi...please look at me...". He tried again and again until he successfully got Jimin to face him. A small smile appeared on his face, but it quickly went away when Jimin averted his eyes.

"Jimin, look at me! Why...what did I do?! What do you-", Jungkook stopped mid-sentence when he realized what Jimin was looking at, or rather, who he was looking at. Jungkook noticed Jimin's pained expression and came to a conclusion. "Oh...him. He's why you won't look at me.", Jungkook muttered, glaring at Hoseok.

He let go of Jimin's jaw and walked over to Hoseok. "Don't touch him!", Jimin shouted, thrashing around in the chains. Jungkook slowly turned and looked at Jimin, whose face was covered with tears from both sadness and anger. "What is he to you..?", Jungkook asked quietly, hanging his head down.

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