[ 1 ] A Chance Encounter

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     At the age of four, Izuku Midoriya learned all men were not equal.

     Some rose above others in hopes of achieving their dreams, and some settled for the middle at the way they were.

     His best friends fit into the first category, Kacchan and (Y/N).

       They never settled, and always shot to better themselves. Kacchan was arrogant and (Y/N) was selfless, but they both had great levels of passion.

        Kacchan's hot head lead him to reckless decisions- and anger issues. Izuku was unsure why he even wanted to become a hero. Fame? Money? Who knows- besides Kacchan.

      (Y/N)'s powerful yet graceful demeanor was something nobody ever overlooked- but wasn't what powered her to be a hero. She was great with kids, and witty, but had her personal reasons.

      Now here Izuku was, retrieving his burnt up notebook from the fish's grasps. Katsuki had thrown it out the window, and he didn't even stand up for himself, once again.

      The burn marks contrasted with the blue like a piece of rubber in the ocean. Izuku sighed softly.

     Footsteps sounded from next to him, and he turned to see his best friend (L/N). "Hey, Izu! Why're you playing in the pond?"

      He smiled at her, and she finally stood next to him. (L/N) was homeschooled, but she came to walk him home from school every day.

     The green haired boy answered, "well my notebook was thrown out the- uhm, fell out of my bag into the pond."

      "Oh? Then zip up your bag. Let's go!" the two set of, talking amongst themselves, (Y/N) kicking rocks, her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing behind her.

    "Hey 'Zu! Guess what my daddy said."


    "I'm able to apply to UA! If I get in I won't be homeschooled anymore! I'm tired of learning to sew for heroes, I wanna be a hero!"

     "Oh yeah, aren't you taking online costume making courses?" (L/N) nodded. The two ducked under a bridge.

     Unlike Izuku, (L/N) had a quirk. She could copy two quirks at once and merge them together, making a totally new one. For example, Katsuki's explosion quirk and a hardening quirk would make whatever she hardened explode when touched. To Izuku, it was one of the coolest quirks.

(Y/N) and him were similar in many ways, one being only growing up with one parent. He had his mom, bless her heart, and she had her dad. Izuku's dad was away but (L/N)'s mom left and never came back. That's the reason she'd like to be a hero. To find her mom.

      "Hey, (Y/N)?" She turned to him with a smile. "Do you think I can be a hero?"

The (h/c) girl started laughing. "What a dumb question," Izuku pouted, knowing she'd probably make fun of him. "Of course you can! Even if superhero-ing doesn't work out for you, there's always other ways! I think anyone can be a hero if they put their mind to it. So hold your head up and smile wide!"

     (Y/N) fist pumped to the sky and Izuku did too, mimicking All Might's laughter.

From behind them, an obnoxious creaking sound came from a manhole they had walked over. .

      Izuku turned around, (Y/N) following. Above their heads was a large glump of green slime, flowing down out of the manhole. "You'll make the perfect skin suit for me to hide in, kid!" Izuku turned to run, and he dropped his hero notebook when the sludge piled on him. (Y/N) hit the ground with a small 'oof', and grabbed his notebook, scrambling to her feet as she watched in fear her green haired friend be manhandled by the slime.

     Over Izuku's muffled shouts, she heard the thing talking. "Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body. It will be easier for the both of us if you don't fight back."

      Damnit, (L/N) thought, if only I had a quirk on me, I could try to save Midoriya. She clutched his notebook tight to her chest, and held onto the rim of her sweater. Izuku clawed desperately at the slime monster, trying to escape, kicking his legs too.

      His gasps for air rung through (Y/N)'s ears, and her shocked face twisted into one of pure joy as she heard that voice and the manhole cover shoot off.

      "Have no fear. You are safe. Now that I am here, that is!" A voice boomed

      (Y/N) could only cheer silently at the sight of the symbol of peace, All Might.

     A big grin crossed her face and she let go of her sweater.

     The sludge monster began to attack All Might, and the large man recoiled with a huge punch and a shout of "Texas Smash!"

     The sludge monster burst apart, Izuku flying out of it as (Y/N) charged forward to catch him, stumbling over her feet and dropping the burnt notebook. Falling roughly in her arms, Izuku laid unconscious and she let out a huge sigh of relief.

      His eyes were closed and his face was flushed, as sweat poured down. The dark of the cave contrasted with the red of his cheeks, and (Y/N) just held Izuku closer.

     Everything was alright.

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