[ 4 ] Invisibility, Hardening and Lightning

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Buttoning up her grey blazer, (Y/N) let out a huff and turned to her dad, who had a big smile on his face. "My little girl, off to be a hero."

       "Indeed." She grinned at him, and he ran to her and gave her a huge bone crushing hug. "Oh, dad! Get off, I can't breath!" she shouted into her dad's shoulder. Shouto pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of my baby! Anyways, look at the time," her dad turned to the old grandfather clock in the corner of the living room, a wrinkled smile on his tired face.

     "I guess I have to let you go. I love ya kiddo," her dad said, ruffling her hair. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and fixed it, opening the door and smiling back at her father.

       "Have fun. Do your best, see you later."

       "Alright, love you dad."

       The scientist just struck a cool pose. (Y/N) looked at him in confusion, mouth slightly agape.

    "You're so stupid."

      Her father just chuckled, waving her bye as she shut the wooden door and stepped out onto the pathway, slipping in her earbuds and turning on an audiobook she's been invested in lately, about minor heroes and their quirks and battles and feats. Right now (Y/N) had a little bit of a fangirl problem over the Wild, Wild, Pussycats - but she can't help herself, they're just too fun not to admire.

The audio book was opened to a section about Winged Hero Hawks. (L/N) listened in closely, walking through the streets with her green skit flowing behind her. Eventually the large glass building cane into view, and a smile crossed her (s/t) toned face. UA, she thought. The big leagues. This is it. Shaking her head, (Y/N) crossed as soon as the light turned green.

She bumped arms lightly with someone, and heard a muttered apology. Turning to the perpetrator, she was met face to face with... nothing?

"I'm sorry about that! Hey, you're in a UA uniform too! What class are you in, huh?"

(Y/N) quirked a brow. "Ohmigosh, I forgot. I'm Tooru Hagakure. My quirk is invisibility - kind of a bane, you know - but I get by. I'm in 1A, are you?"

"Yeah, I'm in 1A! (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to see someone else to walk in with to not seem odd or alone," (Y/N) let out a soft chuckle and began walking with the floating clothes.

"I'm super excited, (Y/N)! I can't wait to see what our teacher's like! Ooh, do you think it's a boy or a girl? I'm hoping a girl. I've never gotten along well with male teachers. They always creep me out. Oh gosh, I just realized I was rambling, sorry!"

(Y/N) shook her head, her (h/c) bouncing with it. "No, it's alright. I'm alright with either, as long as they're a good teacher!"

Soon the gate was coming into view, and the two girls kept talking and talking all the way until they entered the classroom. "And it was weird because you could see the wig through my mouth - Oh hey Ojiro!"

The clothes rushed off, and (Y/N) was left standing by herself, that is until a familiar red head ushered her over. "Kirijirou, right?" (L/N) asked. He pouted and shook his head.

"Kirishima. Ejirou is my first name!"

"Oh, my apologies. I'm glad to see a familiar face from the entrance exams, I felt like a lost puppy," (Y/N) said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck with a grin. Kirishima waved her off.

"All good, all good. It's oddly cold in here, huh?"

A look of questioning crossed the (h/c) girl's face. "I think it's warm. Will I get in trouble if I take the blazer off?"

A new boy who just entered the conversation shrugged. "I'd say no. Kaminari Denki, by the way."

"(L/N)!" The girl noted the odd black lightning strike in his hair. She unbuttoned her grey blazer and tied it around her waist, fluffing her (h/l) hair out. Kaminari just grinned cheekily at a black haired boy.

Noises arose from the door of the classroom, and all three turned to look at it. A tall blue haired boy with a cropped cut and a short brown haired girl stood in front of a mystery figure. (Y/N) squinted her eyes to see what they were standing in front of, and caught a glimpse of big green eyes and freckles and unruly green hair.

That was all it took to know that it was her best friend.

"Gimme a second, Kiri," (Y/N) said, walking off towards the trio. "Midoriya! Izu-kun, long time no see!"

The girl and boy turned to her with questioning looks, and the boy they were standing in front of had his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "(Y/N)-Chan!" he said cheerily, and the girl held her arms out for a hug. He moved forward and squeezed awkwardly around his neck, and she just chuckled, patting his back. They pulled away.

"So, Izu-kun. How'd you get in? Aren't you qui-"

"If you're just here to dilly dally and make friends then you can pack up and leave."

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