[ 13 ] (Y/N)'s Dilemma

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      a/n: if you're looking for an internet friend, PLEASE hit me up. i want a new friend. DM me on here and i'll give you my instagram. i've hit a low and want someone to talk to about dogs or something with.

     also, sorry for not updating for a while!! enjoy the chapter.

The feeling of something being ripped out of your hands was super apparent- and you had no idea why.

Looking up, you saw a flick of guilt cross your mother's face, but it contorted to one of anger very quickly.

     Why was she mad? Why was she here?

"Shinon is wrong and so are you. You're not putting your life in danger by being a shitty hero. They're greedy sons of bitches, only out there for the fame and money," she spoke.

      Except it wasn't spoken to you, it was spoken to a little version of you. Tears were welled in her big (e/c) eyes and her hands were shaking as she clutched the bottom of her t shirt.

       "Hey," you started softly. No response. You repeated it louder. Same case.

         Could she not hear you? You were there- the tiled floor against your feet was exactly the same- but wait...

      You never got your floor replaced to tiles. It was always hardwood. So why was the floor tiled?

       The figure of your mother, no- Kiyene- was raising her fist to swing at little you. You jumped forward to block her from hitting you, but the fist went straight through and clabbered the smaller version of you in the face.

       So are you imagining it? Is it a dream? What the hell's going on-


       "(Y/N)? Wake up!"

       "(L/N)! Lunch is nearly over!"

"Don't hit me!" You shouted, blocking your face, but were only met with the comforting blue eyes of Iida.

"Jeez, (Y/N), you were out like a light!" Ochako giggled. You nodded, rubbing your eyes.

      "What time is it, Ocha?" You asked, and Iida checked his watch.


       The chatter from the cafeteria was distracting, and you found yourself quickly nodding off again-

       The bell sounded, and the loudspeaker crackled.

      "What the...?" Deku pondered

      "Warning. Level Three security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

       A couple of upperclassmen stood right up and ran out.

      Iida asked the dark haired on remaining, "what's a level three security breach?"

       "It means someone's managed to get past the school's barriers! This hasn't happened in my three years here," he explained, "we should get going!"

       You touched Ochako and Iida, grabbing their quirks for safe keeping. Speed flying- woot.

       You still were unsure of Izuku's quirk. He broke his body using them- so imagine what would happen to you if you used it? Would you break down in the middle of a battle?

       "Ouch! A mob, jeez... (Y/N)! Grab my hand!" Ochako announced, and you held onto her pink finger tips as she pulled you through a crowd.

      "Everyone was quick to react, as I'd expect from UA students!" Iida shouted back. An elbow flew to the brunette, so you grabbed onto Ochako's waist and pulled her flush against you.

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