[ 3 ] Musing on Memories and Making New Ones

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     Panting desperately, you exited the arena with a grin on your face. 56 points, you thought, I hope that's plenty to get me into UA.

     To your right was a cheery red head, a smile on his face too. "Hey, thanks for letting me use your quirk. If it weren't for you and that other boy I wouldn't have made it!" He waved his arm around.

"It's nothing! Your quirk is pretty strong, and you used mine like it was nothing."

    You nodded, and sat on a small bench, the red head plopping next to you. He had big red eyes with a small nick of a scar over one, and his hair with spiked up. "I'm Kirishima by the way," he stated, extending a hand to you.

"(L/N)!" you gripped his hand and shook it, albeit both of you were pretty sweaty.

His eyes lit up. "Like Shoto (L/N)?" you quirked a brow, and nodded.

     "Woah, I've heard all about him! He does really deep research on quirks, right?"

     "Yeah! It's so cool knowing my dad is kinda famous." Kirishima nodded again, his head literally bobbling - like a bobble head.

     Carrying on small talk with him, time passed by and soon enough everyone was dismissed from the arena. "I hope to see you in UA!" Kirishima called out, and you waved to him and replied, "Thanks, you too!"


     Long days spent eating cold pizza and reheated take out with your dad, you two had been eagerly waiting for the letter from UA. He hadn't bothered to ask you how the entrance exam went, or why you had snapped so easily at the mention of your mother, best known between you two as Kiyene (L/N)- or Kiyene.

    Dad never referred to her as mother, just Kiyene.

     Your mother hated the idea of you being a hero, she always tried to force you into her profession of costume making and support items. Since then you've pushed her away, until she up and left. That was when you knew it.

    It was your destiny to be a hero.

      "Mommy, Mommy, look!" A young version of you cried out joyfully, holding up her beat up stuffed animal with a washcloth for a cape to the tall lady in front of her. "Me and Shinon are going to be heroes together! Isn't that right, Shinon?"  You turned to the bear, his one button eye hanging by a thread, a smile stitched permanently into his face. Washer-beat brown fur rubbed against your face as you held it gently against your rosy cheek, a million dollar smile gracing your innocent face. Your mother grabbed Shinon, and threw him to the wall, the cape falling off and on to the ground.

     You swore a flick of guilt crossed your mother's face, but it contorted to one of anger very quickly.

     "Shinon is wrong and so are you. You're not putting your life in danger by being a shitty hero. They're greedy sons of bitches, only out there for the fame and money."
     Your lip quivered, and tears ran down your cheeks. "B-but Mommy..." you whined, reaching down and grabbing Shinon, clutching him to your chest.

"Don't 'but Mommy' me. Scram." She hit her foot between you and Shinon and you scrambled up the stairs, a horrified look on your face as you stared down to Shinon.

      "She's wrong, Shinon. We can be heroes. We'll prove her wrong."

      You both were munching on rice, a quiet aura surrounded the table while your dog nibbled on a small piece of chicken.

     "Hey, dad," you said, placing your chopsticks down and gulping. He looked up from the work paper he was reading. "I know the letters are coming soon for acceptance into UA, and that you really wanted me to follow in your footsteps and be a scientist - but I want to be a hero. This has been my dream since I was little, I hope you can understand that. Please support me if I do make it? Even if I hit the big leagues, I'm still your little girl, right? Do you think... I could be a hero? Even if someone pushes me back," you paused, looking down at the deep scar on your left thigh, a wound inflicted by Kiyene. "Even if the world pushes me back? You'll believe, right?"

      Tears welled up in your father's big blue eyes, and silently slipped down his face. "(Y/N)," he whispered, lip quivering. A tear slid down your cheek too, landing on the scar gently.  Your father dropped his chopsticks, raising a hand to his forehead, and pressing.

       "...Of course you can be a hero. Who told you that you couldn't?"

      "...Kiyene." Glancing at the bear who sat on the steps, a little snowman globe next to him, you sighed. "Remember Shinon? The bear?" Your father nodded. "She threw him to the wall and told me the hard truth. Some heroes are in it for the money and fame... But I'm not. I want to help others and be someone to look up to. Someone kids will see on TV and aspire to be and want to save others. That's my true aspiration. Will you believe in me and supports me? Or will you leave me, like... her? Like mother?" You choked out, sobbing a little.

      Your father pushed the chair back, a loud creaking sound on the floor, it falling but to be forgotten as he enveloped you in a hug, holding you tight. You clutched to his back, your shirt wetting from his tears that leaked onto it.

      "I've always believed, (Y/N)... always. Be the hero you want to be. Be the hero I want you to be."

      "Dad..." You said, sniffling. "I know."

     He pulled away from the tight hug, wiping your tears off with his cold thumbs. "My dear (Y/N)." Over your father's shoulder, you could see Shinon laying idly on the stairs, still leaning on to that snowman globe.

      A knock at the door sent you up, wiping your eyes on your arms. "I'll grab that." A soft smile escaped your (s/t) lips and you pulled open the door to grab the mail from the box. A letter sat on top of the pile.  It's red wax seal imbedded with the symbol that you've been waiting to see.


     Popping apart the seal, you sucked in a breath and pulled out a... circular... disk? It opened up to a hologram of All Might.

       "Young (L/N)!" He bellowed, a never ending grin on his face. "With bravery being shown from your adept use of quirks, you gathered 56 points in the Entrance Exam. That's plenty to pass even without the written exam. You passed that, too. I'm glad to see you in UA. I'm looking forward to see what you and Young Midoriya can make of your powers," you laughed slightly at the mention of Midoriya. Guess the poor boy really did make it. But figuring that out was for later. "Remember, Plus Ultra!" He fist pumped the sky, and the hologram of the symbol of peace faded.

      But your smile did not.

     On the other side of the disk stood your dad, a goofy grin on his face as well as yours. You sucked in a long gasp of excitement. "We made it, Dad! I'm in UA!" You lunged across this disk into his waiting arms and he twirled you, the two of you laughing and your puppy clawing at your legs for attention, yapping loudly.

       Your dad placed you down, a spark in his eyes as well as yours. "Here comes (Y/N) (L/N), UA! Be scared!"

      Your mouth formed into an 'o' shape, and you punched his shoulder, and he bellowed laughing. "Dad!"

      But he was right. Here comes (Y/N) (L/N).

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