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I couldn't for the life of me wrap my mind around what Desiree was talking about. All I saw around me was a bunch of grieving relatives and friends that I haven't seen in ages. I checked my surroundings and didn't see anything. There was nothing to worry about, sometimes I felt like Desiree was overly paranoid about certain situations, but then again, she had never been wrong before. I got into the Limo and found my seat between Cam and Desiree, my mother sat up front next to the driver, who I assumed was the director of the funeral home. In front of us was a stage coach with two white horses, and in front of it was a police escort. I turned around looked past the rows of aunts and uncles and looked out the back window, there were three more limos like the one I was in and an ass of cars lined up behind them. I turned back around and batted the tears from my eyes. My mother turned around from her seat and grabbed my hand, she didn't say anthing, but the look in her eyes looked like a cry for help. I could only imagine her pain, this was the second child she had lost within 3 years of each other. After about 7 more minutes of sitting, the limo pulled off, following the sherrif's car and the stage coach. The ride was long and slow, I wasn't anxious to get to the church, and I wasn't excited about being here. I really just wanted to skip this part. The closer we got to the church, the more butterflies that filled my stomach, my mother had made the decision to change the location of the funeral because of the number of people expecting to come. We round the corner and by the looks of it, this funeral was going to be standing room only. I grabbed Desiree's hand and squeezed it, when I looked at her, I really wanted her to save me from this, but I knew she couldn't. The limo came to a stop and sobs began filling the silence in the car. We stepped out, one by one, standing in twos. My mother hand in hand with Cam, followed by Desiree and I, then the others. I felt Desiree squeeze my hand gently as we walked through the two seperate lines friends and families had formed. My breathing increased and I just knew I was gonna pass out. I took a deep breath and held my composure as we entered the church. It was a long walk to the first pews reserved from us, and I dreaded the sight of my sister laying there, still, no movement, no breath, nothing. This was a moment in life I couldn't fight, the looks of pitty from the faces already sitting in the pew. The feeling of sickness and I appoached the casket, the emptiness in my heart, the tears on my face, the weakness of my body. I couldn't do it, I couldn't see her like this. She laid there motionless, lifeless, emotionless. This was the first time I had seen her since the morning of her death. I didn't participate in the planning of her funeral. I just stayed to myself. Her pretty yellow dress brought out her skin, and her black curls draped her shoulders. Her hands placed on her chest like an angel. She was beautiful, and this is what made it a little easier. She didn't look like she was hurting or suffering, and that was what I expected to see. I leaned down and placed a kiss on her cold forehead, I placed a rose from the bouqet on the other end of her casket into her hair. This was my Brittany. No matter how much trouble she was or how mouthy she was, this was my sister, and she deserved to live a long life. My moment of inner peace was broken by the sounds of cries and a woman whaling. I turned towards the sound to see my mother passed out in the arms of my aunt. I couldn't deal. I took Cam from the ushers and made my way to my seat. This was going to be a long day.

After the funeral was over, we went back to my mother's house and mingled with friends and family. I wasn't really in the mood because my head was hurting from crying. My mother was in a down mood and stayed in her room, causing me and Desiree to play host and hostess.

"I think people just here for the food, and to be nosy," I blurted out to Desiree as we cleaned up the plates in the sink. "I just don't want to be bothered by people."

"Well there aren't that many people left, so hopefully they'll leave soon," I could tell Desiree was trying to make it better. I really wanted to go check on my mother. I grabbed a plate and put some of everything that was brought to the house on it, warmed it up in the microwave and took it upstairs. When I got to the door, I heard the TV blarring. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

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