Driving to school with emotional wrecks

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                                                       1 week later

I lace up my bright red high tops and grab my bag. I was determined to stay strong. That was her dying wish. I don't know how but I'm going to.

I say goodbye to my mother on the way out. She hands me my lunch. "Thank you." I say on my way out the door. I get to the car. Max is driving.

I'm scared to get into the car. I take a deep breath and suck it up. I buckle in my seat belt. Then I start to cry. I wipe my tear with my sleeve. I hope no one saw that. Alexander and Max both did.

"I'm so sorry. We miss her to. It's okay to cry." Alexander says. I can tell he got that from a book. But still it's the thought that counts. So I smile. I also laugh to, at the thought of him making me feel better.

"I'm not going to cry" I say sitting straighter in my chair. "That's the last thing she would've wanted. Oh by the way Alice told me to tell you." I say trying to lighten the mood a bit, if that is possible. "That she would rather you date another boy then girl. Because if you date another girl she's going to have to rise from the grave as a ghost and personally kill her off."

Max and Alexander smile. It's a sad smile but, hey, at least it's something, right? "Please, don't pity me, or her. Her last wish was that I stay strong. Please. Help me do this. For her?" I ask them.

They both look sad. But they both nod. "HOLY CRAP! What was that?!" I shriek. Pointing to the window. I saw her. I just saw her. It's crazy and umpossible! But I saw her.

"I saw it to. If the it your talking about, is the it I'm talking about, then we probably shouldn't talk about it." Alexander trys to say calmly. I nod my head in agreement.

"What was it?" Max asks. I look at Alexander to ask if we should tell him the truth. Alexander nods.

"We saw, think we saw. Alice. I know it sounds crazy. Heck, it is crazy. All I cab  say is I hope it's her ghost." I say to Max. He nods. I think, he thinks, that I am crazy. Why didn't I lie. Because I want to belive it. I need to belive it.

"Wait I see her. I-I think I did atleast. Sh-she put her arm out and touched the car. GUYS, GUYS, this is getting creepy! SOMEBODY HOLD ME!" Max shouted. something tells me he's afraid of ghosts. How could he think she'll hurt us. I mean we could just be hallucinating or something. But to be honest I know I'm not. But he doesn't.

"I got you covered honey." Alexander exclaimed. As he bent forward to hug him. Keeping one arm on the steering wheel and his eyes straight ahead, he took Alexander's arm and flung it back toward him. He had a cute little Max smirk on his face. The one he gets when he feels it's a terrible time to laugh.

"NOT YOU!" He screamed playfully. Alexander made a sarcastic gasp. "Am I the only one who finds this creepy? My aunt told me that when her cousin died. Who she was very close with, by the way! That she came back as a ghost then stabbed her through the heart!" Alexander and I both just stared at him. "What?!" He cries.

We stare at him for another good 10 seconds till I tell him. "That's impossible ghosts can't pick things up. Plus how would she be telling it to you?" He looks completely dumbfounded. He's silent for a minute.

"She is a liar. She's a lunitic. She's a lunitic and a liar!" He wines. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M PHOBIC OF GHOSTS. I'LL BELIVE ANYTHING! I was a gullible child!" He screams. I never realized he was so scared of ghosts. Wow you think you know a person!

"It's okay. Atleast you weren't gullible about everything as a child. Like when your dad said your bird died. Then bought you the exact same one for your birthday. You knew it was the same bird." I tell him, trying to cheer him up.

"Wait Mr.fluffles and Mr.fluffles jr. were my birds. WAIT A SECOND, I NEVER KNEW THEY WE'RE THE SAME BIRD!" Alexander screams. He brakes out his phone and say into it. "I know about the bird FATHER! Or should I call you liar!" Then angrily taps the end button with all his might. "I WISH YOU WERE A FLIP PHONE!" He shouts to his IPhone.

We pull into the school parking lot. Alexander points out the window with his unbroken wrist. I see what he's pointing at, so does Max. She's back.

We all quickly get out of the car. But by the time we get out to the tree we were she was standing by. She is gone. Well now I'm disappointed. "What the hell? Where'd she go?" I ask curiously.

I walk up towards the school, with Alexander and Max by my side. Inside the doors I see kalley. [ck-alley] She greets me with a humongous bear hug. Kalley is my best best friend. She was Alice's to. She's crying, and telling me that seeing me so strong about the hole trauma makes her cry more.

"She told me to be strong before she umm... left. So that's exactly what I intend on doing. Max and Alexander have been helping me a lot too." I tell her. My mom only aloud them to visit. No one else. She said that she thought it would be to much.

Kalley still texted me all the time. I told her not to tell anyone because I want things to be as low key as I can keep it. I imagine it won't take long for the news to spread considering there is like one or two people who watch the news in my school. May as well enjoy being able to know that I can contain my self. For now.

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