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Pointless and plotless fluff

Nightmare is in his passive form


Cross POV

Cross snuggled farther into the heavy blanket on Nightmare's bed, annoyed at the alarm for interrupting the moment with his boyfriend. Nightmare groaned and started slapping around the bedside table. He managed to hit the off button, then he pressed himself deeper into Cross's hold. Cross sighed tiredly, then pushed himself into a sitting position. Nightmare whined in protest, then wrapped the blanket tighter around them. Cross chuckled at his actions, then said

"Come on Nighty, we got to get up."

"No. More sleeping."

"Dust and Horror are waiting for us."

"They work for me, I can make the bastards wait as long as I want."

"You gotta work."

Cross untangled himself from Nightmare, then started getting ready for the day, tucking his scarf securely around his neck. He turned to Nightmare to see that his boyfriend had pulled the covers over his head, muffling his words.

"I should give up being Lord of Nightmares and just be a full time burrito. Burritos don't have to work."

"Come on then, my angry little burrito, at least get up and eat breakfast."

Nightmare hissed in displeasure, but slid out of the bed and slowly started pulling on his boots and his crown. Cross laughed at the pathetic expression on Nightmare's face when he was forced to leave the warm bed behind. The Lord of Negativity cast a longing look at the blanket before Cross whisked him into the hallway. The God pulled free at the top of the stairs, then said

"Wait here, I need to get something."

He ran down the hallway and out of sight. He quickly returned with a dark blue blanket flapping out behind him like a cape or a cloak.


He murmured, wrapping himself up head to foot

"Now I'm ready."

Cross rolled his eyes and scooped the God up bridal style. he squeaked and a light purple blush filled his face.


"You're my warm sleepy burrito."

Cross cooed. Nightmare giggled and pressed his face into the warm fabric of Cross's hoodie.

"I pulled the blanket fresh from the dryer."

"Ooo, I'm jealous!"

The entered the living room and Cross placed Nightmare down on the couch closest to the fireplace. Dark purple eyelights asked a question from the depths of the blanket, and Cross nodded.

"Yes, I want you to stay in this form, I like this passive form. it suits you."

Nightmare blushed again, and Cross wandered into the kitchen. He passed Dust on the way, who nodded sleepily, and ducked around Horror, who seemed tense and was sharpening his ax. Cross quickly grabbed an apple for Nightmare, a waffle for himself, and, and a flash of inspiration, he grabbed a quick-make burrito from the fridge. He walked back into the living room and nearly dropped his waffle in laughter. 

Killer was sitting in a recliner, half-asleep, watching Nightmare with an amused expression. Nightmare lay on the floor in front of the newly roaring fire, cocooned in blankets. He lay face down, ignoring the world. Placing the burrito next to him, cross sat down near the seething burrito of negativity. Nightmare muttered

"I'm a burrito now. Burritos don't have to work."

"You are pathetic, a really moody burrito of hatred, you know?"


Nightmare said innocently

"But I'm YOUR moody burrito of hatred."

Abandoning the food, Cross picked up Nightmare and returned to the original couch. Nightmare snuggled into his chest, unraveling the blanket to encompass them both. That was one reason Cross liked Nightmare's passive form, they were the same height. 

(In his aggressive form, Nightmare has a few inches on Cross) 

Cross could faintly hear Dust and Horror entering the room, then sitting on the other couch. Judging by the loud crinkling, Dust was eating cereal straight from the box again.

"What's the deal with the burrito?"

Horror asked. Killer responded with a sleepy chuckle.

"Nightmare's a burrito now. That's his brethren."

Cross quickly glanced at Nightmare to gauge his reaction, and saw him slowly give Killer a thumbs up before tucking himself further into the blanket.


said Dust happily

'You're in the burrito. With Nightmare."

Horror nodded, also smirking.

"Two gays wrapped up as a burrito. A gay burrito."

They locked eyes, then bust out laughing.


mumbled Cross, watching them warily.

"You two are a QUEERITO!"

they crowed together, laughing so hard Dust dropped his cereal, spilling fruit loops everywhere.


cried Dust comically

"My cereal!"

Horror sadly started humming Mmm watcha say...

Nightmare laughed into Cross's hoodie, sending vibrations down his ribs.

"You deserve it."

Cross muttered as Dust and Horror mourned the loss of the fruity breakfast cereal. Killer rolled his eyes and whispered.

"Queerito. Queer burrito. Queerito."

Nightmare giggled again, looking up into Cross's face.

"I like that, Queerito. We are the warmest and queerest of queeritos."

Cross kissed him and murmured

"My Lord of Queeritos, how can I serve you?"

And for the first time in a dew days, Nightmare truly smiled.

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