Random Alignments

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Enjoy this random alignment shit. Partially inspired by previous fanfiction, partially inspired by Zodiac Sign alignments. Tag yourself if you are also like this in a given situation.

The Sanses When given a Questionare

Ink: Draws all over the paper

Error: Has no idea how to write

Dream: Does the survey and fills all the blank space with uplifting messages

Nightmare: Doesn't realize it's a survey and folds it into origami

Reaper: Disintegrates the paper on purpose to avoid work

Geno: Bleeds on the paper to the point no one can read it

Fresh: Does the survey but no one can understand it [Poor Fresh]

Red: Writes "What are you, a cop?" to answer all the questions

Blue: Does the survey in ALL CAPS and answers in confusing ways

Outer: Does the survey. Correctly. Nothing fancy.

Sci: Never has time to do the survey

Cross: Writes two different answers per question: His in purple, Chara's in red

Dust: Tears it into tiny pieces after making a spelling mistake in pen

Horror: Eats the paper

Killer: Does the survey, but answers only with murderous and threatening responses 

Lust: Draws lennyfaces instead of answering

Classic: Falls alleep on the paper

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The Sanses during a Test

Finishes Quickly so they can have some free time

Ink, Dream, Nightmare, Geno, Outer, Blue

Picks Random answers and/or writes a bunch of BS

Reaper, Fresh, Cross, Lust

Doesn't finish the test due to laziness or work refusal

Horror, Classic, Killer

Is cheating the whole time

Error, Red, Sci, Dust

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The Sanses in Class

Ink: Is doodling instead of taking notes

Error: Hacking into the school mainframe

Dream: Gossiping with Blue

Nightmare: Takes notes because he knows his friends will ask him for them

Reaper: Flirting with the people near him [mostly Geno]

Geno: Trying to ignore Reaper and focus on the lesson

Fresh: Texting under the desk

Red: Drawing a dick on the desk

Blue: Gossiping with Dream

Outer: Takes notes, but just basic definitions and key phrases

Sci: Takes detailed notes, interrupting ever other minute to ask a question

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