"I M A G I N A T I O N"

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I hear them drumming

Black shoes pacing

Thinking about the world

I look up at the sky

And see the clouds

In a form of a heart

Does everybody have

Someone to love?

Exept me

Im left all alone

Laying in bed

This isnt my home

But it is for now

And im happy

Or atleast thats what they think

Im secretly dying inside

I aint got barely any friends

Imagination is leaving me,

And hope probaly will too

But sometimes

We cant believe

Whats playing over the static

While watching TV

I can hear them banging

Banging against the inside of my head

Begging to be free

And I sit there.

A smile on my face and my legs crossed as tears slowly drip from my face.

"Things Ive Said" /PoemsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant