Chapter 4

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Kyrei's POV

"Leave him the fuck alone Jyxr."


I looked to the side and saw Rex crying on the grass. He looked so weak like that, but that just made me want to protect him even more. Jyxr didn't have the right to constantly yell at him and It's about time I taught him that.

"Yeah I kissed your boyfriend, that's what I do smart ass, I'm a prostitute for a reason. Yelling at him all the time isn't going to help either. So apologize to him right now before I lose my temper."


I laughed at his slut comment, if he only knew. I sighed and stared at him carefully. He thought that he was going to win? Hell no, I've never lost a fight in my life. He wants a fight he'll get one. I slowly walked closer to him.

"I may be a slut, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass."


Jyxr pulled Rex to his feet only to make him fall again. That was enough for me though. I slammed Jyxr into one of the gates and placed a smile on my face. This I would enjoy, no one touches Rex without getting killed by me.

"You lay a hand on him again, and I'll personally torture you until you beg for death, got it?"

He held a fright in his eyes as he looked at me. Jyxr was learning quickly that I don't let anyone mess with me. I put my hand around his throat and slammed his head. Now that he was afraid I knew there was a slim chance he would fight back.

"Got it..." He whispered.

"Good, now get out of here before I change my mind about killing you."

I released him with a smile on my face. Once my hands were off of him he started running out of the gates. For now he got the message, but I might have to live up to my word on killing him. I turned back to Rex and saw he was scared to.

I walked over to him and he crawled backwards. My smile disappeared and I sat down were I was. I looked at him and waited to see what he'd do. After a few seconds he threw his self at me and started crying again.

"It's okay, Jyxr won't yell at you anymore, I'll never let him touch you again," I whispered to him.

"I-I l-loved h-him," Rex whimpered.

"If he loved you he wouldn't have treated you the way he did, you deserve the best there is Rex, not trash like Jyxr."

"I-If I-I w-wouldn't have k-kissed you everything w-would be f-fine!"

I cupped his face in my hands and made him look up at me, "I'm glad you kissed me. Please don't regret it."


I didn't wait for him to respond, my lips were already on his. I barely knew a thing about Rex, but I wanted to learn everything. I wanted to be happy with him. This was the most selfish thing I ever thought of but I couldn't bear living without him by my side.

He didn't hesitate to kiss me back, which made me smile again. Our lips were moving in sync and I never wanted to stop. I'd slept around most of my life but I'd never felt this into any kiss I'd ever given. I didn't want to kiss anyone but him after this.

I pulled back none the less and put my fore head against his. I was starting to taste his tears and that was never a good thing. When I looked in his eyes they were a mix of sadness and happiness with a touch of confusion.

"S-so y-your g-gay?" He asked.

I chuckled, "Yea I am, only have been a few weeks but I am."

"A-and when w-we texted last night y-you w-ere at the b-bar again w-weren't y-you?"

"Yeah I was...Gryusihe died...drinking was my release..."

"Kyrei promise me you won't d-drink or s-sleep around a-anymore..."

I looked up at him in shock, did he know about last night? "What?"

"When you drink you s-sleep with s-someone, y-you told m-me that a-already..."

"Oh...alright, fine. I won't drink or sleep around. Only for you Rex."

"T-thank y-you."

He hid his face in my chest and slid his arms around my neck. I hugged him close to me and smiled slightly. This was a start to making him mine. I saw something gleaming by us and noticed it was the ring I got him.

I slipped it out of the cusion in the box and stared at it silently. This wouldn't just stand for me living for him anymore. Rex had to know someone cared about him no matter what happened to him. I'd happily be that person.

"I want you to have this ring because even though I barely know you, I'm in love with you Rex. Every promise I made to you I swear I'll always keep as long as I have you. I never want to go a day without you for the rest of my life."

I saw the blush rising on his face already, and I couldn't help but laugh. I took his right hand in mine and slid the simple silver ring on his finger. As long as he wore the ring I'd know everything would be okay.

"T-thank y-you Kyrei...a-and I'm in l-love w-with y-you to..."


I hugged him closer to me and we both became lost in our thoughts. We weren't official, and Rex wasn't officially over with Jyxr. I'd respect his decisions, it was his life anyway. I didn't deserve him but I never wanted anyone more.

If I had to I'd watch him be happy with someone else. Only if I got to stay around him and still get to hold him sometimes. He felt weak and innocent but I knew he could be strong. He tried to be happy for other people's sake.

He was like a broken angel. That I wanted to fix badly. I'd never met a single person any nicer then Rex, no one was as kind hearted as him. Whether he knew it or not he already held what was left of my heart.

I'd learn every little thing about him, and If he accepted me I'd move slowly with him. But who would want to be with a prostitute the rest of there lives? I doubted I could make him as happy as he made me, but I had to try.

"Kyrei, I'm breaking up with Jyxr..."


AWW!! WHY AM I SO EVIL?! :p lol this chapter is extra short just because SOMEONE kept screaming about going insane from not reading the next chapter -__- I can only try to make the next one longer...Gregg... >.>  -Elysabeth

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