Chapter 14

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READ THIS: Hopefully you are:3 ANYWAY....I had to say this before the story keeps going:3 a bit over half of the events in the story didn't actually happen with Rex and Kyrei, so don't go questioning them! They both have Wattpad accounts and your welcome to stalk them:3 Kyrei: MrHappyFace Rex: Glovesyou -Lie:3

Kyrei's POV

"...Let me get this straight...In the four days I've been worried," She said while pointing at Rex, "Have been in the hospital worried sick about you," She said while pointing at me, "Because he got arrested in your hospital room..." Elysabeth stated slowly.

"Y-Yea and I still don't k-know why," Rex mumbled.

I only sighed and put my head into my hands. Really didn't plan on Marco rushing in to arrest me, I'm surprised he even found out I violated my parole. Telling Rex why I'm even on parole and why...well that's the hard part.

"I'm not a good person, alright?"

I looked up at Elysabeth and tried not to meet Rex's eyes. I've never explained this to anyone, I mean Mikey saw me get arrested before, but he never questioned it. Now here I was caught up with how to explain the life sentences I owe.

"I...I've been arrested allot. The first time was when I was four, for the murder of my twin sisters. Even though I didn't murder them I was blamed because It's kind of weird to explain that they got killed by a machine when I should have been paying attention. Then I've been arrested many times after for attempted murder when I've been defending myself. Then actual murder...still defending myself. Know one believes me though, no one believes that there's to many people out there that want me dead..."

I didn't even realize I had moved my head back into my hands as I felt a arm go around my waist. When I looked to my side Rex was sitting there with tears in his eyes again. I sighed once more and pulled him to me in a hug.

"I got arrested in your room because Anthony reported me for giving him a black eye from that party, therefore violating my already full of hell parole..."

"I-I'm s-sorry!" Rex cried into my shoulder.

I only pulled his face to mine and kissed him. Letting him cry wasn't part of my plans, and it never would be. Automatically his hands went to my hair, which made me smile against his lips. I never got tired of how eager he got when I kissed him.

While I had him distracted I wiped the tears off of his face with my thumb. When I finished my smile only grew as Rex started to straddle my waist. I didn't always understand him, but I wasn't about to complain.

When I pulled him against me by the waist I heard Elysabeth clear her throat from the other side of the room. I didn't even bother to pull away from Rex, I only flipped her the bird from where her voice had come from.

"Fine! Have heated make-up sex on my favorite couch! Why should I care! Love you guys too!"

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips when Rex only pushed me down on the couch and smirked over at Elysabeth. I had a feeling she'd make him pay for that sooner or later, but right now he didn't really seem to mind as he put his lips back on mine.

Before I could stop him his hands where undoing my belt and when I tried to protest he only slipped his tongue in my mouth. I had to say I could get used to him taking control of the situation, but I still needed my fun.

"Well hello online perverts! Were live here with Kyrei and Rex about to have sex on the couch!" I heard Elysabeth shout.

As the last word left her mouth Rex was off of me and blushing from his new spot on the floor. He actually fell for her bluff! Sure enough when I looked at Elysabeth her hands were empty and she was laughing like crazy.

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