Chapter 16

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Kyrei's POV

"Daddy! You came to see your precious daughter!" Shouted Elysabeth.

"Why would I forget about you? Plus I'm not your only daddy!" I said.

"What?" She said with a confused look.

I quickly pulled Rex into the room and put my arm around him. Elysabeth laughed lightly before hugging both of us and stepping back with a amused expression. I lifted Rex's hand and kissed the ring on it before letting Elysabeth see it.

"EEEEEEUP! Your getting married!"

I chuckled, "Yea, to the most amazing guy in the world."

The blush rose up on Rex's face making me smile, "T-Thank y-you..."

"Don't thank me for speaking the truth babe," I kissed his forehead lightly before turning back to Elysabeth.

"I have two daddies now! Hmm....Sokka your daddy, Rex your da-da!"

"Works for me, work for you babe?" I turned to Rex whose face was almost as red as a cherry now.


"Well I'm going to take your da-da on a date, we'll come visit when we get the chance."

"W-We h-have a d-date?"

I smirked, "Yea."

"AWW! You guys are so adorable! Tell me everything when the dates over!"

"Will do."

I pulled Rex outside of Elysabeth's house before motioning for him to go to my bike. Fright crossed his face before he moved over to it and stared back at me. I took the helmet off the back and handed it to him before climbing on my bike.

"It doesn't bite, just wear the helmet and hold onto me."

He nodded weakly before he pulled the helmet on his head and hesitantly climbed on. I kicked off the safety and revved my bike making Rex jump. I laughed before I reached behind me and found his hands. When I finally did I place one on each of my sides.

"I wouldn't let go If I were you," I said to him.

"D-Don't h-have to w-worry about t-that..."

I pushed off trying not to go fast enough to scare Rex. Hopefully Garren set everything up, I wanted the date to go perfect with him, especially since he was now engaged to me. When I managed to find the right street I turned down and headed to my house.

Pretty sure this would be Rex's second time here. The first time did have It's bad parts but It ended alright, I wanted this to end great though. I reached to move his hands off my waist so I could dismount, but his hands wouldn't budge.

I chuckled realizing he was still In shock from riding the bike here. When I turned around sure enough his eyes were shut tight as he mumbled something. I lightly put my hand on the side of his face and ran my thumb over his lips.

He shivered at my touch making me smirk as I moved my lips to his. Immediately he responded to me and his hands left my waist and went to my neck. I let him take control of the kiss as I slid him off my bike without him knowing.

I kicked out the break trying not to break our kiss and got off the bike myself. When I managed to grab my keys I pulled him close to me and took control once more. As much as I was enjoying myself I still had a date to take him on so I broke off quickly and grabbed one of his hands into mine. He gave me a glare, but followed me inside anyway.



My new roommate ran out of his room and leaned on one of the walls. I saw his eyes start to roam over Rex making me want to slap him already, but he could never help It, the dude was to much like me. So I simply sighed and waited for him to finish.

"Nice looking fiance Kyrei," He said with a wink.

"I know he is, and he's mine. Now did you do what I asked you to?"

"Yea everything's set up out back like you requested."

"Good, let's go babe."

I pulled Rex behind me as I moved to the back door, Garren eye raping him the whole way. When I motioned to the door Rex became very nervous and just stared at the knob. I reached down to him and lifted his face to mine.

"It's not going to bite you babe, It's just a door knob."

He smiled before rolling his eyes, "I know."

I put our already linked hands on the knob and turned It for him. When he saw what was outside his face lit up and I was pushed against the wall. I laughed at him as he started to kiss me, apparently someone was happy with his surprise.

I moved him to a distance and he did one of his famous pouts, I wasn't falling for It though. He huffed as I went outside but followed none the less while I shut the door behind us. He stared at everything around us, his smile never ending.

"You seriously did this?" He asked.

"Yea, just for you."

He pulled me after him as he went to the back gate and slid out. I made sure It was closed before I let him drag me across the street. Our names were lit up on the incline In a huge heart. I had Garren get specially made purple candles for It since that was one of Rex's favorite colors.

"I love you!" He shouted before jumping on me and making both of us fall over.

I laughed, "I love you to, and your stronger then you look."

Blushing, he climbed off of me and mumbled a apology for knocking me over. I only laughed again and grabbed one of his hands into mine. He laced his fingers through mine and I kissed the back of his hand lightly.

"It's wonderful and all, but how Is this a date?" He asked confused.

"Walk on the other side of the incline."

Hesitantly he moved us over to the side and his face lit up again. Apparently this was going better then I thought It would. The carnival lights were making the night bright and calming. I started to pull Rex behind me as I went to the entrance.

"This alright as a first date?" I questioned.

"It's perfect..."


Long over due, I know! Haven't updated In 2 weeks! :3 Been really busy lately with moving to America :3 Go Americans! :3 Hope everyone likes the chapter, I'm out of practice though so It's pretty crappy! -Lie:3

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