character answers woo

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im doing this on my tablet I feel uncomfortable


-Lashton- asked "can you do the dirty with Luke?"

Michael coughed,  blushing at the question, and shrugged.

ackleswantsnackles asked "what is the meaning of life?"


heavymetalheart said "can he not"

Michael frowned aggressively.

StevieRaeWeeks and averyjanehoran asked "can he see his own number?"

Michael ran over to his mirror, checking just to be sure. "Nah, I don't see mine. I don't really want to know anyways."

TheCatNamedEryn asked "does he actually care about Luke?"

"Of course."



-Lashton- asked "what made you insecure? let's get married bc you're perfect"

Luke didn't know quite how to respond. "The mirror, I guess. Marriage? I've only just made my first friend in years, I need to get the hang of basic friendship knowledge first. Sorry, please don't be mad, I love you"

StevieRaeWeeks' question was too fucking long. "Blah blah blah, does luke only have a day left or"

Luke's eyes widened. "What? Is that what Michael is keeping from me?"



-Lashton- and CalumsAlmondMilk asked for Liz to be their mother.


-_Lidia_- asked "can we get married?"

Liz chuckled. Typical crazy teenagers.

"Sure, because that means it would be quite illegal for you to do anything sexual with my son."



amnahasia and -Lashton- asked me to marry them

honestly like sure hell yeah we can get married as long as we're all sister wives to 5SOS tbfh

(ok guys so those are the answers for you lol and omg if i somehow didn't see your question, therefore not answering it, im sorry! just comment it on here and i'll just answer you in the comments. or, if you're a lil b*tch, and just need me to answer a question anyways, i'll probs answer it in the comments section also. yolo 2k14)

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