⚠️ *this chapter is graphic and very detailed. Chapter may contain violence,drugs,and harsh Sex scenes.Author would prefer a mature crowd before continuing this chapter* ⚠️
I could barely sleep being that it was a only a twin size bed and me and rain had to share. It was 9:37 a.m when I woke up and hesitated. "Rain wake up and get dressed now" I said pushing her off the bed "patience damn you could of just shook me instead of kicking my ass onto this dirty ass floor." She said with a mug. "No time for talking get dressed now rain" I said struggling to put on my light wash jeans. I went to sleep without a bra so a bandou top it was. "Where are we going?" Rain asked while stretching. "Just get dressed and come on damn." I said putting on my white gfazos. I didn't have time to flat iron or curl my hair so a messy bun it was. I brushed my hair before finishing myself off with hoop earrings and lipgloss. I only got cute for various reasons but black seemed like a serious guy so I had to impress him.
It was now 9:49 when the cab pulled up to get us. We rushed outside to the cab and quickly gave him a address that was near the actual address. I did not want to be late under any circumstances so I was telling the cab driver to run lights and stop signs. "Bitch where is we-" I stopped rain before she could finish "Girl just sit the fuck back and enjoy the ride until we arrive!" I said, causing her jaw to drop. "Okay someone's obviously mad but it's cool".
After a few minutes we arrived to the nearby house. I checked the clock to see it read 9:57. "Fuck come on rain" I said pulling her by her arm. "Bitch where the fuck is you taking me and why is we in uptop with these white folks". I tried to open the cap door but it wouldn't unlock. "Ummm excuse me sir can you unlock the door please. I'm in a rush." I said innocently. "You girls didn't pay the fee" he said. "You got the money right Rain?" I said looking at her. "No I thought you had it."
Nothing else was said the cab driver shifted his gear to drive. "Back to the motel you lady's go". I huffed and puffed at the thought of this money opportunity going down the drain. "Wait" rain blurred out "I'll pay for it" She said. He stopped and looked through the review mirror "Welp run me the money". Rain slid off her spaghetti strap shirt revealing her perky D cup boobs and hard nipples. She climbed up to the front seat meet the man. He didn't hesitate to put her tittys in his mouth. I was so surprised at what I was seeing it was like a porn video 4D. I was uncomfortable as hell but it had to be done . "God damn are these some nice young Tits" the man said. "Mmm I know" Rain said bending over to the mans side. She unfastened his pants and slowly slid him in her mouth. "Oh wow" he moaned leaning his head back on the seat. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he enjoyed the pleasure. Rain must had been doing her job cause this nigga was acting like it was his first time.
Me and rain walked up to the door to ring the doorbell. "Code"a voice said over the speaker I noticed the camera turn towards us. "Ummm I'm here for black" I said nervously. It was a few pause till I heard the door unlock. 4 men roughly pulled us in the house closing the door behind us. They pointed guns at our heads while patting us down. "Ain't nothing fire on me but this pussy so get up from there little fella no need to check there" the man giggled at her response. "Yeah okay, y'all clear. Follow me" he said leading the way as the other guys still had their guns at our head.
We walked until we reached a nice kitchen then we were blind folded. The men pushed us until we finally stopped. "Strip them" I heard a deep voice say. My shirt was ripped off with one pull. I covered my boobs up to stop the exposition in the room. "Damn" "aye forreal" "might be the baddest bodies in this house forreal" I heard some men whisper. "Their clear boss no wire" I heard a man say they gave me a towel to cover up my chest. "Patience what the fuck did you get us into?" I heard rain say. "Lights" the rough toned voice blurt. My blind folds came off it was blurry at first but my vision became clear. It was a room full of niggas with guns dressed in all black.
"Welcome lady's." Black said giving us a nod. "Which one did I speak to?". "Me" I said. "This stupid bitch cause it wasn't me" Rain blurted. The room slightly laughed at her remark. "What's your name baby.?" He asked "Patience" "patience? Okay I like that. What's your sisters?" He asked "it's rain" she responded.
"Ight I'm black as y'all know. Im a man about my business so since you made that phone call and you've made a step onto my property you follow by my rules. If you chose not to then their will be consequences. Got it?" He said seriously. "Other then that I'm a cool ass man. I don't like being crossed or tried especially if I let you eat off my plate and I'm giving you a place to lay your head. Rule 1. If you and the other girls got beef y'all both will get kicked out. Rule 2 all side money comes to me, I'll say if you can keep it or not. Rule 3 if you back stab me and try to set me up. I will find you and kill you. Understand?" He said. "Yes" we both replied on cue. "And most important rule is if I find out any of my girls is messing with my men you will be put out and shipped away. Especially my nephews their really off limits, their strictly for business and don't need do distractions. Understand?" He finished. "Yes" . We got it" "good now show them to their room Phoenix. Melinda will show them around."
Me and rain slept the day away after our big breakfast. We met a whole lot of new people. So far everybody in the house was cool and accepted us. I was tired as hell still after we woke up from our nap. "Time for dinner girls" a lady came into me and rains room yelling.
Me and rain walked side by side downstairs to the kitchen. "Girl I hope his fine ass nephew at the table today." I heard a girl say to her friend "girl I hope his brother there right with him. No touch but I can sure look" She said laughing and dapping her friend up.We reached downstairs to the kitchen where it was extra loud. I heard niggas laughing right along with girls conversating. The smell of weed filled my nostrils and the sound of glasses clanking together filled my ears. "All the ladies sit down" me and rain sat down at the end of the table by Black as instructed it was 2 seats open across from us. A couple more was available down the table but it was on and off.
"Attention women and Brothas!" Black said standing up and clanking his glass with his fork. "I wanna introduce y'all to the new upcomers in this family" he announced. The room grew quiet as we stood up to get everyone's attention. "Damn these hoes body is to die for" I heard a lady whisper. "These unique Pieces is patience and rain" he said smiling at us then the table. "If the boys was here they'll have y'all busy right now. We're going to eat without them niggas then. Let's go!" Black said looking at us up and down then sitting down to eat. Me and rain sat back down in our seats. We heard more niggas laughing and talking before approaching the room. Me and rain had a side conversation about everything that was going on. I was so focused on her that everything around me didn't exist at the time.
"Nigga you is a fool on mommy's" a deep voice said laughing and approaching the table. " nigga on me I wanted to crack that niggas skull right infront of his kids." The man laughed. "There go my boys" Black said standing up to dap the boys. "Wassup unc" one said before sitting down "what's the deal old man" the other said sitting down beside him infront of us. "Ahhhh I'm a healthy handsome old man though so shut up." I was threw off as the boy across from me kicked my leg underneath the table. "My fault ma" the dude said "you cool— oh my god Kane?" I whispered. "Patience?" He replied.
Bangerr chapter 😝Was this a good chapter?🤔
How do you feel about what's going on.? Would you trust it.?🤨
Kane's blacks nephew?😱
What business is Black really running?🤭🤭

The Cartels Extortion
ChickLitDescriptions tell to much and ruins the story... Read and find out if your interested or not. 😉