Chapter 7🎬

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I woke up to birds chirping and the sound of what sounded like several cars beeping their horns, the sun was beaming directly in my eyes. I opened my eyes to see a bearded man looking at me. "Ahhh!" I yelled in shock "ahhhhh" he jumped and yelled showing his teethless smile. "What the fuck is you doing!?" I asked with a attitude. "Well I thought maybe you was lost darling. I've never seen a lady sleep under our bridge, a young one at that" he said taking a bite of his hashbrown from McDonald's with pieces falling out. He looked so foul he stood before me with a dirty white beater and some black joggers with holes in it, his shoes had wholes in it and was covered in mud.

"I'm not lost the fuck. You need to mind your damn business and stay out mothafuckas face" I said standing up to stretch to get rid of the pain in my back. "Damn fiesty little thing huh. Well I don't want no problems little ma. See you around the bridge" he said finishing his hash brown then limping away. "Weirdo" I thought to myself. "Look who finally woke up" rain said walking up to me. "Where you coming from?" I asked with confusion. "I was here the whole time. I sent Richard over here to wake you up" she laughed. "Don't do that no more. I almost creamt his bum ass" I laughed playfully punching her shoulder. "Girl whatever" she replied. "Come on let's eat then check in at the motel." She said walking before me.

I followed her until we reached 'ham-begger station' . We walked inside and grabbed a booth. Some girls was laughing until we walked in then it was silence. Rain mugged the table of girls and sat down. The vibe was off but I didn't mention it to rain being that she a hot head. The girls was dressed up nicely, a little too nice to be hood bitches. I'm talking one with gucci on , one with ginvenchy, and one wearing balenciagas, 30 inch weaves and they all had diamond Rollie's on their wrist. It wasn't hard to tell they was well taken care of and stuck up. I was snapped out my thoughts by rain "hello patience" She said waving her hand in my face. "My fault. I want a water". I implied "just a water?. Don't play with me I know yo ass can Eat and some water ain't gone get you full." She added raising a eyebrow. "Nah for real I'm cool with a water rain" I said. I noticed one of the girls looking at me , I grew nervous at first but I then swallowed that weak shit.

" is there a problem ma?" I asked her eye balling ass. Everybody looked at me in confusion. "Nah unless you want it to be. But I know you don't wanna set yourself up to end your life like that" she said causing everyone in the restaurant to 'oooo' . "Baby you couldn't end my life if you wanted to trust me. Don't let this pretty face fool you I'm not no corny or weak bitch." I said smiling. "Girl do you NOT know who we is?" She laughed. "I don't think I give a fuck who y'all corny asses is". They all laughed and stood up to their feet exiting their table. Me and rain sat in our seats sitting pretty knowing our competition was going to be easy.

The girls walked up to our table circling it. Everybody in the restaurant stood around the crowd , some instigating and pulling their phones out to record. Me and rain stood up meeting the girls level. "Is y'all gone Shake something" I said bobbing my head. Even though my knuckles was blew out from the fight yesterday I still had energy and time to fight. "Just know It's beef now ma" The girl I was arguing with laughed and said. She pulled a wad of money out her bag and released a bill from the pack. "Lunch's on me baby girl" She said flicking the money at me and laughing before leaving out. I was about to follow her and beat her ass outside but rain pulled me. "Chill out that bitch not even worth it". I was so pissed I didn't even want to sit in the diner no more.

We gathered our shit and made our way to the nearest motel. When we got checked in I was more than relieved to see a bed. Dropping all my bags I plopped onto the twin size bed. "Guess this is cool until we figure out our next step" rain said taking her shoes off and plopping down beside me. "I'm tired as hell im about to take a shower and rest" she said standing up to her feet to stretch. "Not before me!" I yelled before grabbing a towel and wash cloth and rushing into the bathroom. "Ugh Patience I swear your so childish" she yelled.

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