My family

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So it's another chapter!!!!

I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own fairy tail or any of it's characters


Yesterday after the boys left levy walked me home, she said she was scared I'd do something I'd regret later on.

Right now it's lunchtime, me and Juvia are looking for Erza and levy so we can sit down and eat when something caught my eye. A blob of pink stood out

"Hey Juvia you keep looking I'll be back in a minute" I said not even waiting for her answer, I walked off.

I walked over to the table I saw Natsu at, he was sitting with his other band members and a few other people

"Um..." I mumbled, the whole table stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Oh, hey Lucy" Natsu grinned

"Hi" I replied, my face was probably bright red, why are they all staring at me?

"Did you want something Lucy-San?" Jellal asked

"Lucy, just Lucy wanted to say sorry" this is so embarrassing.

"what for?" Gray asked

"For yesterday" do they really not remember?

"It's fine" Natsu smiled at me before moving up to make space

"Why not eat with us" he said.

"Oh, I was going to eat lunch with-"

"The more the merrier, right gajeel" gajeel just grunted in response

"Well except him, I don't think he'll ever be merry" gray sighed.

"Let me call Erza" I sat down and pulled my phone out

*ring* *ring*

"Lucy? Where are you Juvia said you ran off some where" Erza said with a panicked voice.

"Hey Erza, I'm with Natsu and the others"

"What!?" I held my phone far away from my ear while she started saying stuff about 'betrayal' and 'loyalty'

"Give it" I looked at jellal who had a creepy look on his face

"Just give it to him, his good with this kind of thing" gajeel snapped, I think that was the first sentence I ever heard him say.

I gave jellal the phone and as soon as he got it he put it on loud speaker and placed it in the middle.

"Erza" jellal said calmly

"Who is this? Where's Lucy?"Erza sounded as if she was about to kill someone

"We've kidnapped Lucy" I was about to shout something at Erza to let her know that was a lie but a hand covered my mouth

"Say a word and we really will kidnap" Natsu whispered in my ear.

What's going on here, I looked around and an evil smirk was on everyone's faces

"Play along" gray whispered in my other ear.

"Put Lucy on" Erza demanded

They all looked at me; I took a deep breath

"Erza you have to help me! These guys are lunatics" I was taking quick, short breaths as if I was scared.

"Erza I'm scared, please save me" I sounded like I was on the verge of tears, Natsu and gray grabbed my shoulders and I let out a little scream

"Erza! Help!" I shouted

"So are you going to save her?" Gajeel asked

"Where are you!" Erza sounded so scared

"Find us" every one said in unison then they ended the call.

"Don't you think we took it a bit to far? I mean a kidnapping" I said nervously, when Erza finds out it was just to get her and the others here she is going to murder each and every one of us.

"No, we've done this before" gray said

"Nice work playing hostage" gajeel said with a scowl on his face, is he finally liking me?

"Yeah you were really believable" Natsu shouted.

We all started to eat and had random conversation about weird subjects and somewhere in all that gajeel started calling me bunny girl. Most of the boys left so it was just the members of the band and me.

"I wonder where Erza is" gray said

As he said that we all felt a dark aura coming from behind us. We slowly turned around only to find a very angry Erza, Juvia and levy

"So you've been kidnapped Lucy" Erza said


"So lu-chan are you alright?" Levy asked calmly


"Now that we spent all this time looking for you" levy continued

"I'm disappointed Lucy-San" Juvia shook her head

I'm a terrible person. I didn't realise it at the time but they must of been really worried about me. I wouldn't be surprised if they never spoke to me again.

After school Erza went to torture the boys while levy and Juvia lectured me about the importance of a truthful friendship and when Erza came back we made up and had a group hug.

That day I lost my friends for less than three hours and in those three hours I felt so alone and I don't think I would of been able to take it if they stayed mad at me for longer.

I'm glad I have them. Without them I don't know how I would go on, their my family and always will be.


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Until next time!


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