Chapter 1~ The Day I Will Know ...Who I Am

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  • Dedicated to @Lexi_Styles114 on twitter

   Being the daughter of Beatrice and Tobias Eaton isn't  exactly easy.....I will admit I am under a lot of pressure considering all my parents have done to help the city and basically restore the faction system.

    My mother tells me stories of what happened to the city before I was born and how basically after 150 years of peace, we were plunged into war. The Abnegation faction was almost completely destroyed just to keep some information on my great grandmother, Edith Prior, from being told to the city, and how her and my father escaped being executed by Erudite a couple times. Whenever I ask about what happened when they left the city, my father especially goes quiet.....Apparently something really bad happened and my mother and Uncle Caleb almost died......I have stopped trying to find out what happened.....


As I enter the school building one final time, I hear a slightly familiar  voice up ahead of me, I don't know where I recognize the voice from but I feel as if I know who it belongs to.

    "Alicia Eaton.", I hear the voice call to me as I walk the familiar hallways of the school one last time, my mind is racing  with every thought all at once.

    Today I will take the aptitude test which will tell me which faction I belong in. Right now I am under a lot of pressure to be the perfect Dauntless like my parents are, but I am not sure I am cut out for Dauntless. My father may be trying to restore Dauntless to the original way of the Dauntless Faction Manifesto, which will return it to ordinary acts of bravery instead of mindless stunts and the seemingly endless brutality that former leaders Max and Eric formed Dauntless into. But I still don't think it can happen anytime soon and I fear that if I choose Dauntless tomorrow at the Choosing Ceremony, that I will fail initiation and embarrass my parents. The Aptitude Test will tell be where I belong though, Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless.

    "Alicia Eaton", as I hear the voice call me again, I walk into a room with nothing but a computer, a chair, a vial of a blue liquid in it, which I know from going through my fear landscape at Dauntless, is a serum that will induce a simulation.

    When I see who is also in the room I am completely shocked. Cara, an ERUDITE, was going to administer the Aptitude Test! I was told it was usually the Abnegation or Dauntless who administer the test so I am shocked to see Cara stand before me. I know what to do once I enter the room so I sit in the chair...The only thing I am unsure of is the simulation serum. In Dauntless, the serum is always injected into your neck, so I am confused when I see this blue serum is in a vial. I look up at Cara for further instruction after she explains all the stuff I already know (that I will be offered a series of choices and I should act upon instinct, not thinking too much about each choice, in order to get the faction I really belong in and a lot of stuff like that.)

   "Drink this" she whispers softly to me and hands me the vial.

I drink the serum then everything goes black.....I know the Aptitude Test  simulation is about to begin.


   I  start to see that I am in a room with two bowls in the middle of it, one with a knife and one with a piece of cheese. I know I have to choose one. I had heard from a few Dauntless initiates that I've talked to before that there is a dog that will come soon whether I make my choice or not. I do not have time to think this through.....Soon enough I hear a familiar voice again...

   "Choose!", I hear from basically nowhere.

    When I looked around the small room I am in I realized that I am alone. I know that this is a simulation but I can't act like it father always told me that simulation awareness could be dangerous but he never told me what it was or meant or even why it's dangerous. But I know I can't get distracted. I must act on instinct.

   I start to reach for the cheese but then I stop... There is this voice in my head that keeps saying, "Stop! Pick the knife not the cheese you coward Alicia! What are you going to do! Throw the cheese then run off to a corner of the room and cry? Make the right choice pansycake! Don't be a coward!"

    I blink back a few tears and shut out the voice in my head which I  realized was Eric's words of brutality and speaking of how he believes a Dauntless should act. I put my hand on the knife and take it from the bowl....Soon the vicious dog comes running out of nowhere and I know what I am expected to do now, kill the dog, but I don't. Instead I clutch the blade of the knife tightly in my hand and I feel it cut into my skin. I sink down to the floor as a sign of submission, just as a drop of blood hits the floor, I see a little girl from Amity appear on the other side of the room.

   "Puppy!", she says excitedly and runs toward the dog that had just seconds before become seemingly tame.

  The dog instantly turns and charges at the little girl....I know I should try to save her but I don't know how, until I feel the pain of the knife blade in my gives me an idea....

   "STOP!!!!", I yelled to the little girl who was still excitedly moving toward the dog.

  As the little girl looked at me and basically froze with fear, I threw the knife as hard as I could so it would land between her and the dog. It was the only thing I could think of that would not hurt her or the dog.....The knife landed with the blade dug into the floor and the end pointing toward the ceiling. All goes black again and I know that the test is over.


   I wake up back in the chair in the room of the school building where I drank the blue serum....When I look over at Cara, she seem confused, almost dumbfounded in a way.

   "What were the results?", I asked her since she didn't just tell me and I wanted to know.

   "Were you aware during the test that it wasn't real? " she asked me and I became confused... But I'll just tell her the truth....It's not like she can tell anyone anyway.

  "Yeah." I say with a smart mouth attitude you usually only hear from the Candor.

   "Your results were inconclusive......You are Divergent and have an aptitude for Erudite, Candor, and Dauntless. I will manually enter in your result as Dauntless to avoid any suspicion and possible danger for you. Now, I'm going to send you home.....just tell your family the serum made you sick and I told you to go home and rest.....Also, your Divergence must remain a secret. ", Cara whispered all of this to me as she rushed me out the door.

Well that's the end of this chapter! what do you guys think so far? let me know in the comments and I'll work on the next chapter! this chapter is dedicated to @Lexi_Styles114 on Twitter because she is always there and totally inspired the character of Alicia

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