Chapter 2~ This Is Kinda Weird

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   As soon as I got back home... I knew I had to think fast, my father was still working in the control room today and my mother didnt expect me home for at least another 30 minutes at the most! I didnt want her to suspect anything, but I was too late, because as soon as I walked inside, she seemed worried.

   "Alicia? You are home early.....Are you okay?....What happened?", my mother said to me while she seemed to be looking around... as if to make sure someone was not there."

  "I-I'm fine.... j-j-just got sick from the simulation serum they used... I was told to come home.", as soon as I said this, I knew she didnt believe me. I was going to run, but the serious look on her face told me that I better not or I would be in trouble, and trust me...... she means it.

   "Alicia,", my mother whispers softly, but sternly to me, she puts a hand on my shoulder and kneels down so I have no choice but to look in her eyes. I see that now is not the time to joke around and try to get out of this. " I know you did not get sick on the simulation serum.....It's something else isn't it?"

   I start to panic for a second, I have seen many Divergents before be killed with a purple serum if they were found out for what and who they are. I just take a deep  breath and I just say what I think would be best to say. "Ummm no. It's nothing Mom."

    "Alicia," She looks at me with slightly narrowed eyes and speaks with a stern, but hushed tone. "I need you to tell me the truth. I know you didn't get sick. I know this because that's exactly what they told me on the day of my Aptitude is what they say to help Divergents hide their secret."

   She acts like this is a huge deal.....I am starting to get a little afraid but I don't want to seem like it. This is all really weird especially considering we are not supposed to talk about the Aptitude Test, but I guess maybe the Dauntless don't really care as long as nobody knows. I mean the Dauntless Initiates, Dauntless borns and faction-transfers....but mostly the Dauntless borns, talk to me about the test all the time. Since my parents are both initiation instructors, I talked to the initiates a lot so that they would know they always would have at least one friend. The Faction-Transfer Initiates every year would always be talking about how their old faction was... especially the Candor... we always seem to loose as many Initiates each year as we gain to them....I basically know everything about all the factions... a little more than I should about Amity and Candor...especially Candor.....So I know which two factions I will have to think about... Tomorrow is a big day, and I want to be sure the right choice is made.....I walk just hope this is the right choice.........I know what I will do now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alicia. It's time to wake up. Today is a big day. " It feels like I barely went to sleep when I hear my father's quiet voice telling me to wake up.

   "Already? I thought it was tomorrow. " I said still barely awake and aware of what was going on.

   He smiled at me and just let me get ready......My father will be staying behind as always to welcome the new initiates this year as they jump off the building and into the net at the back of the Dauntless Compound. After all the initiates have jumped, my mother jumps down to and leads the Dauntless borns to where I would be waiting there to welcome them before I go and help my father give the faction transfers a tour of the Dauntless Compound. This will be the year it is different though. I have made my choice now. I am not coming back.

  I hug my father good bye before walking out to the train tracks with my mother. Before I can even tell her what I am going to do, she stops me.

   "Alicia, I need to warn you. Dauntless is dangerous this year. I overheard Max talking on the phone, with Jeanine Mathews dead, the search for the Divergents has become desperate in Dauntless. You need to choose a different faction.....Any of them would be safer. I can't stand to see you leave, but if you do, I know you will be safe.. That is what I care about most for you. ", as my mother said this, she looked at me with teary eyes and I could tell she seemed almost, afraid.

   "Erudite. ", I wrapped my mother in a tight hug and reassured her that I would be safe. "Don't worry, I'll be careful Mom........also I won't tell anyone you said this. Don't worry.....just make sure you and Dad are safe."


      Well that's the end of this chapter! I hope you guys like it! Let me know in the comments what you think! :) Starting in the next chapter there will be some more characters coming in. If you have any suggestions on what you think I should do just let me know. I will be happy to try my best to work it into the story. :)

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