Racing the Clock [A]

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That Evening

"I think I've got it!" Greg shouts, nearly startling me off my chair at the kitchen island with his piercing volume, "Here. Recent license approval, recent move in. Matches with our timeline."

I hop off the stool and go over to see for myself, looking over his shoulder, "Looks legit..."

"I'll access the cameras near the location and see if it's the one." Mycroft comments and then pulls out his mobile, dialling some number. Knowing that I've done all I can for the moment I let John know that I'm going to step out for some fresh air and then head outside, finding a bench under one of the trees to sit on. After a minute of sitting perfectly straight and listening to the calming sounds of nature I fall forward. Bracing my elbows on my knees and cupping my head in my hands, I allow some of the grief in my system to come out.

I cry lightly for a few minutes as I release some of the emotional turmoil I've been suppressing. Does it help? It does, knowing that I won't have John or Mycroft smothering me. Mycroft especially doesn't understand that sometimes you just need to cry. He's been especially protective and sweet over me, but I don't need him to freak out over a few tears.

My phone starts buzzing in my jeans pocket and I sigh, recognizing the pattern. I retrieve it and answer the call, "H-Hey, Finn."

"Hey, Ada. How're you holding up? It sounds like you were crying."

"I'm fine, Finn."

"Why were you crying, sis?"

"Just... Just stress and worry. We've been cracking at this for nearly three days and we may have found where Sherlock is."

"Have you been getting enough sleep? Have John and Michael-"


"Mycroft and the DI. Have they been keeping you up for this case?"

"I'm doing just fine, Finley. I can function with what sleep I have."

"Come on, Adelaide! You know your body doesn't take it well when you stay up that long! You need to seriously get some sleep and try to relax."

"I can't, Finley."

"Why not?"

"Because I want to help find Sherlock. I have to help rescue him."

"Adelaide, you're not a government genius, or a detective."

"Maybe not. But I'm the wife of the world's single Consulting Detective and sister in law of the man who's practically the British Government. I've got to be able to help them out."

He sighs on the other end, "Alright, sis. But please stay safe and don't neglect yourself too much. None of us want you to go missing like Sherlock or get sick from stress."

"I'll be fine, Finn. I promise. I'm sure that John and Mycroft will make sure I don't take things too far."

"Okay, then." We chat a bit more and then hang up. I stuff my phone back in my pocket and exhale deeply. Maybe one day he'll actually get why I'm doing all this. But at least he understands that ultimately, I just want Sherlock safely back in my arms.

"Adelaide!?!" I open my eyes and look over at the house, hearing John calling, "Adelaide!!??"

"I'm coming!!" I shout back and get up, jogging back to the house and racing up the steps to ask, "What is it?" As we walk inside he clears his throat.

"Mycroft says that Greg did find the correct address. He found the camera footage and got ahold of some records. They're there."

"Th-Then we need to get moving." I state as we return to the kitchen.

"And we shall. I've called to set up police checkpoints. If they bolt they're as good as caught." Mycroft informs us.

"Then shouldn't we be going..?" They all kind of eye me, "What?"

"Are you sure you want to come along?"

I nod intently, "Yes. Absolutely. I want to be there for Sherlock."

"And..?" John coaxes as he pulls on his jacket.

"And  because I want to give Jacob and Creighton a piece of my mind."

"Good. Then let's go. Time is of the essence," Mycroft states as we gather out stuff and head out to the sedan. I get in the front passenger seat and he sets the list of synthetic formulas in my lap, "Look through these on the way. I'll have emergency medical staff ready with a helicopter but Sherlock may need an antidote. If you can figure out what might help, then write it down. John will help." I nod and focus on the sheets of formulas and notes.

We're coming, Sherlock. Hang in there, Darling.

Love y'all!!!

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