Chapter 3🎈

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Isabella's pov

The blaring noise welcomes me as I walk back to the party, fuck!!! I stare down shyly as I get bitch ass glares from a couple of girls and amused stare from guys.

I walk fast, then I try to mix with the sweaty bodies, a guy pulls me to his erected dick and tries to grind me, I push him hardly, then he staggers, drunk from excess alcohol, I run for my life as soon as I see his eyesf on me again.

Fuck!!!!!, for the hundredth time, I wish I were at home, under my duvet daydreaming about godknowswhat, I drag the fucking gown down suddenly feeling naked, bending down I remove the heels.

A hand grabs me and pulls me to a dark corner before I am able to scream, he holds my mouth and he forcefully pushes me to the wall, writhing I try to push him away but he seems to strong for me, like to to strong.

"stop freaking out Bitch!!! " he shouts, instantly I recognized him, the slapped one.

"what do you fucking want??? " I ask trying to hide my fears.

"I'm not fucking kissing you right now, even if I fucking want to do it " my cheeks suddenly burns, as it slowly turns crimson and my panties instantly get wet, that comment from him aroused me .

"I just wanna tell you something you should fucking know "

I stare at his dark face, I couldn't see him clearly but even a blind man could tell that he's fucking hot.

" you can never try what you did earlier today "

" if you fucking try it again, I'm gonna repeat it again, it's gonna be harder this time " I spit back at him.

" you dare not!!! " he growled, I shiver, already afraid fro my life, he leans low, our face an inch apart, then he closes all the pathways of me making an escape.

" you gonna be seeing me around, everywhere " he whispers, then walks away leaving me breathless.

Isabella's pov

I open my eye.
Fuck!!! My head banged, I shut my eyes as I try to shield my eye from the sun, the brightness still pierced through my shut eyes, I scream in agony.

" close the damned curtain!!!! "

"Shut up, you were drunk yesterday when you came back " my mothers voice says calmly as she places my ironed laundry on the bed, I sit upright, my eyes wide open, ignoring the godsdamn headache.

" Drunk?? " I ask as I rake my hands through my already tangled hair, she stares at me, she looks a bit fresh this morning, putting on a flowered white shirt and baggy jean.

" yh, now don't look stupid at me, a guy helped your drunk ass home, by around 4:00am in the morning "

" A guy?? "

" Hell yes!!!, I had to thank him, damn I was so ashamed, why the hell were you drinking?!!!! "

" I'm sorry mom "

" sorry for yourself, now get your arse up from that bed, I want you to get some groceries "

" alright mom " I call

" if you like, go get drunk there " she calls

" MOM!!! " I shout

I walk down the street with moms list of groceries, I put my hands into my big hoodie, as I bend to adjust my joggers, Fuck it's cold in Los Angeles.

I walk faster, then I pass a store where my favorite song is being played, I walkdance to the groceries store, I open the door, only to see Jason, Fuck, I close the door back, I turn to the store again, gathering courage, I walk back inside, far away from his sight.

He pays after a while and walk away with the grocery bags, I breathe down, I open my moms shopping list as I grab the shopping basket, I have to stay far away from him, far away.

I dumb the basket at the pretty sales woman, who hurriedly calculated the goods bought, she smiles and hands over the bags of grocery to me.

" that will be 100 dollars " she says with a flashy smile, I smile back at her as I give her my card.

I walk out of the grocery store after collecting the free tooth gum the nice saleswoman offered me, I walk slowly as mind travels, then I see him again, this time he stood flirting with a girl, Shaking my head, I walk past them, freaky philander. I walked past them as I clutch the groceries thankful that he found himself another bait.

I got home after an hour because of the fucking Aaron, I pick up my phone to call mia feeling lonely.

She picked after the third dial and answered with this "why the hell are you calling" voice.

"Hey b"

"Are you just waking?"

"Had a long night, what's up? Did you get home yesterday"


"Was hoping you'd get laid?" she says with a dry chuckle.

"Screw you bitch " I snapped with a blush already imagining getting laid by kevin.

"Who you talking to?" a voice ranger from the background.


"You shagged him?"

"Shut up bitch, I call u later" she says laughing.

kevin's POV

I lay absentminded in Aaron's bed as I press my phone, Aaron was beside me watching hot scenes in his laptop.

"You have to watch this man"

i chuckle as I continued with my phone, then it hit me, the perfect idea, I smile, that bitch is down..........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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