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Hoshi's POV
I grabbed her wrist but she snapped it away from my hands harshly without even looking back

Aish what am I going to do "I ruffled my hair out of annoyance


(2 months later)
The wedding

Song-ee's POV
Today is the wedding between hoshi and jihyo and of course I am invited I am actually sitting here in front with auntie or how can I say hoshi's mother and right beside her is jihyo's mother after this wedding jihyo will be living with me and hoshi and they're will be sharing a room how lucky

While here I am watching as hoshi's bride is slowly approaching him on the aisle

It hurts me watching the guy I always dreamt to marry will marry another woman he is even putting a smile
Well he can't frown here so ye that's it

Time skipped
I walk upstair on the way to my room the celebration is not yet done I can't watch them the whole party being lovey dovey well it hurts so much

When I enter my room I got to the bathroom I filled the bathtub with warm water and bath soap after that I took off my clothes and relax myself on the bathtub

I closed my eyes

This is the most unlucky day in my whole life they should wrote this on history book you know something like

Nun song-ee the unluckiest girl on earth

Something like that I am mentally joking myself but my heart felts like someone slowly ripping it as slow as they want me to feel every second of the pain

I don't realize that I am crying now warm tears are running down my cheeks it looks like a waterfall

I don't realize that I am crying now warm tears are running down my cheeks it looks like a waterfall

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I looked at my reflection on the mirror I looked miserable but I don't care anymore

I just grabbed my bathrobe then wore it I walked to the shower and do my routine

After doing my routine I wore my bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my hair then suddenly a knocked on my room door was heard but it's more of a banging I slowly walked on the way to the door and there I saw....

To be continue

PRINCE'S REBOUND (hoshi ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now