Chapter Two-Strategy

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Chapter Two


I wake up in the morning to find Natasha drawing shapes on my back with her long nails. My lips automatically curve up into a smile when she gently kisses my shoulder. She always knows the moment when I wake up.

"Morning." She greets me when my heavy eyelids lift to reveal her lovely face.

"It pisses me off that you're so beautiful in the morning." I sass and grin when she laughs softly.

"Thanks. If you want pancakes I'd leave now. Barnes and Rogers just got back from their morning run and are sure to be shoveling in anything they can get their hands on." She warns and that wakes me up. I jump out of bed and put on a sports bra, underwear, and sophie shorts. I plant a happy kiss on her lips before sprinting out the room and to the gathering room. A stack of pancakes sits on the counter and I sigh in relief at the sight. Piling on a few, I slather them in syrup and sit down at the bar with my fork. As I eat, the gentlemen file in. Steve and I wink at each other while he picks out his pancakes and he sits beside me at the bar. I'm sure he only does so to watch the show. Next comes Tony with all his cockiness and swagger. He actually stops in his tracks when he sees me, then runs a hand through his black mess of curls. Slowly, I lick the syrup off my fork just to see him get a little flustered. It's a rare sight that I cherish.

"Morning, handsome. Clean-up go okay last night?" I tease and hear Steve almost choke on his pancakes. Tony shakes his head and walks in, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"You're welcome to prove me wrong the same way in the future, Andy." He says and just makes himself a cup of coffee, shuffling out of the room afterwards to go play in his lab. Bucky walks in next and actively avoids meeting my eyes.

"Something wrong, Bucky?" I ask in an innocent tone as I finish up my plate of pancakes. He gives me one of his signature glares, but Steve and I both just laugh. I hop up and put my stuff in the dishwasher as Bucky makes himself a plate and some coffee. After slapping his ass playfully, I kiss his scruffy cheek. "Have you learned your lesson or do I have to teach it to you all over again?" I tease, letting my hands run over his muscled back. Bucky heaves a big sigh, but I get a little smile out of him. He turns to me and shakes his head.

"I'm a quick learner. I think I got the message." He assures me and finally meets my eyes. I grin and pat his cheek.

"Good boy." I can't resist saying and he rolls his eyes at me. He shoves me away and I go away laughing. I walk down to the gym and beam when I see my girl doing her morning push-ups. I walk over and put my legs on either side of her body, then sit my butt down on hers. She chuckles and pauses as I stretch out belly down, putting my feet on her shoulder blades and my hands on her ankles. Simultaneously, we do push-ups until I start laughing too much and roll off her. She rolls onto me, straddling my hips and does her crunches. She leans back until her hair tickles my ankles, then forward until her lips almost brush mine. I'm grinning like an idiot the whole time, but we both pause when Steve and Bucky walk in. Natasha backflips off me and helps me up just after, then sends a charming smile to the two men. Bucky blinks the shock away as Steve tries and fails at controlling his smile.

"I heard you gentlemen had a hard time the other night." Nat teases and I can't help but snigger behind her. Steve clears his throat to keep from laughing and walks to the fridge in the back to grab a water. Bucky just sighs and sends me a look. I shrug in return.

"Your fault." I point out happily.

"Anyways," Steve interrupts and tries to steer the conversation down a different route. "what do you two have planned for training today?" I look to Natasha for the answer. She smirks instantly.

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