Hong Kong

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For Chenguang, a fellow Hong Kong fan~ X3 This is seriously long, sorry :o

You really didn't like dances.

Normally, you stayed far away whenever a dance was taking place at your school. You hated the dark, crowded gym with people constantly elbowing you or jostling you or stepping on you. Then there was the occasional creeper that tried to hit on you, and also the possibility of making a total fool of yourself if you actually bothered to try and dance a little. Not to mention that the seizure-inducing lights were annoying, and most of all- the drama that went on between the students was ridiculous. Apparently there was something about the environment that made those already out of control teenage emotions and hormones run high. Catfights, fistfights, screaming matches, girls sobbing hysterically in the bathroom, and the ever-popular make-out session, right there in front of everyone. Did we really need to see that? Sometimes there were even kids passing around drugs or booze. It all unnerved you, and even disgusted you. You couldn't think of a single reason why you would want to go to any more dances.

But of course, your friends, who were ever more social than you, tried to force you to come to every one. Most of the time you succeeded in fending them off; but this time, now that the school year was more than half way over and you hadn't come to a single one, they had had enough of your “lonely lonerness” (as your buddy Alfred liked to say). So after school on Friday you found yourself at your friend Liz's house along with all the other girls: Mei, Natalia, Bella, Lili, Camille, Michelle, Kat, Liet, and Wyla; who were all messing with your hair and having you try on different outfits. After a few hours they had finally decided upon your final appearance, but they were much dismayed when you threw a hoodie on over the “adorable outfit” that they had picked out for you.

“No, no, no!” Bella fussed. “If you have to wear that thing, at least unzip it a little!” She yanked the zipper pull on your black hooded jacket (the hood was lined with black and white stripes) down about halfway, so the ruffles on your pink camisole showed. Wyla tastefully added a simple necklace, and Natalia had suggested a black miniskirt, but Liz had insisted on skinny jeans underneath. Michelle had wanted you to wear some fish-shaped earrings but was outvoted by the others, claiming it would 'spoil the outfit'.

You stood there in silence while your friends bickered over your appearance, dreading the several long hours that you were soon to spend in your most loathed environment.

Mei, the excitable girl that she was, dragged you into the dance by your wrist, with the rest of the girls surrounding you in a pack. (Which, by the way, was another one of the things that you thought was stupid about dances- how all the girls stayed in their tight little packs, standing around and taking up space or rushing across the room giggling, or even hogging the bathrooms. It was annoying.)

Strobe lights were flashing brightly, and the music pulsed loudly, sending vibrations through your body. Your stomach lurched as you saw the swarming crowds of teenagers already present.

You scanned the various groups crammed together around the edges of the room, hoping to find some of your guy friends you could escape to. As much as you loved the girls, you were a little tired of their company already and wanted to avoid the inevitable drama.

Finally, you spotted Alfred breakdancing inside a circle of other guys, including Arthur, Yao, and Ivan. Young Soo was hiding creepily behind Yao, waiting for the perfect moment to strike; and Francis, Gil and Toni were standing off to the side a bit, suggestively eying any girls that happened to walk by. Kiku was sitting silently against the wall with a book, and Feli was getting a piggyback ride from the unwilling Ludwig, who in turn was getting loudly cussed at by Feliciano's brother Lovino. A bunch of the other guys that you recognized were over there too, and you were about to slip away and head over when Natalia zoned in on them herself.

High School Dances and Hetalia Guys ♥ Reader-Insert SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now