Part Eight

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You laugh to yourself as you walk over to your room pulling the keys out of your jacket pocket. As you start to unlock the door someone grabs you from behind making you drop the keys. They put a knife up to your throat as their other hand has a fist full of your hair. You let out a grunt as you close your eyes. You feel the persons hot breath on the back of your neck as they whisper "Now, keep quiet or I'll slit your throat. Wouldn't want a pretty girl like you going to waste."  You clench your jaw as you speak, "Go to hell..." You quickly grab their wrist making them drop the knife kicking them in the stomach. They stumble back wards as they look up at you. You look at the knife then them. They started running towards the knife and so did you. They were a lot quicker then you and got the knife. What the hell? You thought as you were shocked about how fast they were. You back up bending your knees, putting your hands out in front of you. They chuckle wickedly as they look at you with an evil look in their eyes. They open their mouth revealing all their fangs. Shit... A fucking vampire.... You thought as you breath deeply. The vampire charges at you and try's to grip your neck. You dodge the attack and quickly jump up kicking them in the back, making them fall. You should have listened to Dean about carrying your knife around but you didn't listen. They still had ahold of the knife and you kick their hand making them drop the knife. They grab your ankle pulling you down. You topple down and grunt as they get on top of you. "Get off me you bastard!" You shout. They laugh and grab the knife and pin you down. You groan as you look at them then the knife. They smirk and cut a line about 3 inches long on your arm. You groan in pain as they do so. "I swear to fucking god I'm going to kill you you bitch!!" You yell again as they laugh "Oh baby what's wrong hm? Can't take a little bit of pain?" He asks in a smart ass response. You groan as they hold your blood arm and your other arm above your head with their one hand. They use their other hand with the knife to cut themselves like they did to you. You moan out as you know what they're planning to do. Shit... No no no. They were going to combine your blood with theirs so you become one of them. You close your eyes as out of no where you hear a swift swipe. You open your eyes to see the vampires head was gone you gulp as the body falls and you look up smiling. It was Dean. He quickly drops the machete running up to you helping you up. You grabbed your arm and held onto it as you looked at Dean. Dean pulls you into a tight hug not caring weather or not he gets covered in blood. You smile groaning as he holds onto you. "Did he get you?" You shake your head as you keep ahold of your arm. "No he just cut my arm." He kisses your head as he pulls out of the hug slowly. He grabs your arm and looks around blood everywhere. You groan as he takes a hold of your arm. "Lets go into your room and fix you up." You smile at How thoughtful he was being.

~Back in your room~

You sit down at the table in your room laying down your arm into the table. Dean gathers up everything and sets it down onto the table. After that he looks at you, "This is going to hurt like a bitch." You laugh and look back him "It won't hurt that bad... I can tolerate pain." He chuckles and opens the peroxide bottle. He starts to wipe around the cut and then looks at you as he starts to pour the peroxide over the cut. You groan out breathing in deeply as you close your eyes. You groan for a few seconds while he continues. He looks at you seeing you in pain. "Hey look at me alright?" You moan out as you bite your lip looking at him. "I'll make it up to you afterwards if you want." He whispers winking at you. You continue to bite your Lower lip as he slowly starts to wrap your arm with a bandage. You look down at your arm smiling gently as you look up at him. "Thought you had a good pain tolerance?" You laugh "Shut up....." He laughs as you stand up. "Where are you going?" He asked as he stood up after you did. "I'm going to change I have blood all over these."

"Well I'll be out here waiting for you." He smirks winking. You laugh softly as you look at him biting your lip. "Sounds like a plan" You smile walking away towards the bathroom. In the mean time Dean lays down on your bed groaning as he puts his hands behind his head crossing his legs.

~After you're done in the shower~

You hum as you grin to yourself drying your hair. You weren't sure if Dean was still out there since it was so quiet so you just throw your towel over your body. You open the bathroom door and start to walk out. You chuckle looking over to Dean, laying on your bed, fast asleep. You smile and throw on your jeans and a simple black shirt. You make sure your hair was dry as you walked over to the bed. You lay down beside Dean facing towards him. He was still on his back but his one arm was just sprawled out, while his other hand was on his stomach. You lay down onto his one arm that was sprawed out and lay on your side next to him. As you close your eyes you hear a groan and a warm embrace. Dean shifted over to his side and wrapped his arms around, still asleep. You smile and lay your head against his chest as he pulls you close. You yawn as Deans one arm was tightly around you laying down on your side and his other was wrapped around you, him grabbing your waist tightly. You peacefully fall asleep loving the feeling of comfort.

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