Chapter One

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It was nearly midnight when Annie got back to her apartment. All she wanted right then was a good cup of chamomile tea to put her even more to sleep, and a hot shower. She opened up her bedroom door, seeing her boyfriend, Armin, peacefully asleep. She went on her way to get what she wanted, and went to bed, and slept normally.
She was woken up the next morning earlier than usual by Armin getting ready. "What's the rush?" she asked. He gave his usual response, which was either "work wanted me to come in early," which had its counterpart of "I had to stay late, they made me clean up," or "class is at 8 today." Annie had a good enough sense to tell something was up, but never acted on it since she knew Armin was too sweet to hurt her.
She got up later, to get ready for her classes, and the first was Human Anatomy. She was studying to become a pathologist, and carry out autopsies. She found it somewhat peaceful cutting up dead bodies. Or rather, dissecting them to serve them justice, to put it in nice phrasing. Her professor was well intentioned, but somewhat psychotic. Dr. Zoë, for one, always wore crocs to class. When it was suggested that she be more professional, she bought the high-heeled crocs, and the class loved it.

Today they were split into groups of five (it was a relatively small class) to each dissect a pig's lbody. The only person in her group she knew and got along with was Mina, who she could tell had a small crush on her. The class went as usual, but of course, something had to go wrong. Someone was messing around, and accidentally stabbed a partner with the scalpel. The wound wasn't that harmful, but class had to end early so Dr. Zoë could help the injured student to get medical attention. The offender was also forced to go with them. The class dispersed, and Annie found herself with some free time to do what she wanted. What she wanted was to continue her dissection, but that wasn't happening. In a moment of realisation, she came up with the unexciting plan to take a nap back at her apartment.
Annie got back to her apartment, still as tired as ever. She went to open up the door to her room. She couldn't open it, and realised it was locked. She figured that she accidentally pressed the lock when she went to class. She found a bent paper clip and unlocked her door.

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