Chapter 8

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Peter held tightly onto Wade's shoulders, stuck in the thrill of an oddly intimate moment between the two of them. Even though he and Wade had sex a lot, this time... somehow felt different.

Deadpool hadn't sprouted any kind of irritating, lusty innuendo or inappropriate comments like he normally did. In fact, he'd been unusually quiet, simply holding tightly onto Peter as he was seated in Wade's lap, arms thrown around his neck while Wade kept them in a slow, steady rhythm. His own scarred limbs were tangled around Peter tenderly, keeping him grounded and letting him float at the same time. It was all conducted in such a loving way, that it made Peter wonder if maybe he was up to something. It was entirely too sensitive for Deadpool.

But he was in no way complaining.

Peter wanted to whine when Wade's mouth laid gentle kisses on his shoulders, pecking leisurely up towards his neck, and onto his cheek. A content sigh fell from his lips as their lazy movements dragged on, neither moving to make it any quicker or harder. It was perfect as it was. It... It was just so passionately soft.

Peter wasn't a virgin, and sex with girls he'd dated in the last had felt a bit like this before... But not Peter was on the relieving end. He was the one getting soft kisses and reassuring caresses over his arms, he was the one being so tightly held, like all other problems were minuscule things that just didn't matter here. He was the one being taken care of now, and Peter loved every second of it.

The cool drag of it all, the amorous hum that rumbled in Wade's chest, and vibrated against him. So utterly intimate...

"Wade..." he muttered, exasperated, turning his head so that he wasn't the only one being peppered with kisses.

He nipped lightly, casually sweeping his hands along the man's back and groaning when Wade offered him a special, more amped up thrust for his efforts. It didn't summon any need to change their relaxing pace however. Peter was content with it, the lazy thrusts and sensual kisses.

His mask still shielded the top half of his face, rolled up over his nose, but the rest of him was entirely exposed. Body, chin, lips, heart. He felt every bit of Wade's scarred skin brush against his own, the gentle massaging feeling he had come to love just magnifying how tender the entire affair was. It was so different from all the sex they had been having up until now. Rooftops, back alleys, against the wall, even other times on the bed, none of it had ever been this intimate before. It made Peter wonder what had changed. Nothing he knew of really... nothing extravagantly different had happened...

Wade's hips thrust up in a soft flux as he buried his face in the juncture of Peter's neck, crooning in a muffled mess, "Petey..." he mumbled, almost hesitantly, "I..."

Peter hummed in understanding, taking it as a sign that Wade was going to cum. He nodded softly, trying to form some kind of sexy urging, but he just felt so connected, dirty talk didn't seem fitting. Not for whatever it was they were doing right now. So he simply leaned closer to Wade's ear, whining softly before whispering, "Go ahead, cum."

A small growl left the man beneath him, seemingly as a gesture of appreciation for his words, but he shook his head determinedly. Wade pulled them apart slightly, looking driven, yet never changing his soft rhythm, connecting them over and over again, "No." he spoke, a small, uncharacteristically pleading noise leaving him, "No, Petey, I-"

A loud, impeding knock came from the bedroom door then, interrupting them without a second thought. There was no room for a reply before the door was casually swung open, and someone stepped inside. Privacy be damned.

Peter let out a surprised shriek, moving to pull his mask over the bottom half of his face instinctively. Within seconds, the bed sheet was thrown over Peter's head, Deadpool pulling him tightly into his chest and hiding him from whoever had just entered the room. The thought of someone coming in, and possibly assuming Wade was screwing a ghost came to his head. Maybe Wade would appreciate the joke, but he pushed away his growing need to chuckle when Deadpool spoke, voice laced with irritation, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

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