세 💙

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dont mind me, hongseob's just lookin hella 🔥

"Wake up, hyung! Hongseob's gonna finish the pancakes if you don't get your ass up!" Jinhong shouted, throwing the door open. Changsun jolted when the door handle hit the wall, before groaning and throwing the blanket over his head.

"Go away, Hongie." He mumbled, digging his head further into the pillow if that's even possible.

"No~" The younger whined, throwing himself onto Changsun and started wiggling around.

"Chan, c'mon." Cory smushed the said latter's cheeks together, cooing at his cuteness. Changsun snarled and hit the offending hand away, sitting up.

"I'm up, I'm up, god..." He cursed, blindly feeling the bedside tabletop for his phone. He took one look at the time and threw his phone through the open door, at Jeunguk who just so happened to be in range.

"Ow! What the hell, Chan?!" Jeunguk screeched, kicking the poor phone down the corridor, towards the stairs. His eyes widened when Changsun's iphone teetered right at the edge of the first step. He then heard (probably) Hongseob and Jinhong running around upstairs, (probably) fighting for the last serving of pancakes. Jeunguk watched the phone dance with the vibrations caused by the two youngest's footsteps.

"MINE!" Hongseob shouted, tackling Jinhong down.

The phone slide down the stairs.

"FUCK!" Jeunguk screamed as he heard the phone drop down to the first floor with a loud thud.

"Stop shouting, it's goddamn 10.30 in the fucking morning!" Changsun shouted from the comfort of his bed, totally oblivious to the stunts his phone when through.

"Calm down, Jeunguk. It's an iphone. Iphones are made to withstand flying down staircases. God, it's like $1000, of course it will withstand a fucking staircase." Jeunguk prayed to all the gods out there that he won't get thrown down the stairs by Changsun as he went to wake him up.

"Chan, sorry to break it to ya, but your phone-" Before Jenguk could get his message through, Cory shouted from the living room downstairs.

"Who in the bloody hell left their phone at the damn end of the bloody stairs?! I ALMOST VACUUMED IT!"

"What about my phone?" Changsun groggily rubbed his eyes, waiting for Jeunguk to finish his sentence.

"Eh? What's this, '@Kiyong_ started following you' on instagram?" Changsun's eyes widened.

"He WHAT?" Sleepiness forgotten, Changsun literally slid towards the stairs in his mismatched socks and jumped across the railing, landing right on Cory's shoulders underneath. He snatched his phone (that's literally uncracked) and stared wide-eyed at the notification.

"So it's YOUR phone, you idiot!" Cory dropped Changsun onto the couch, holding his vacuum up.

"I was about to feed it to this lady over here." Cory gestured to the electric blue vacuum.

"How did my phone end up with you, hyung?" Changsun raised and eyebrow.

"I dunno, found it at the bottom of the stairs." The oldest shrugged and went back to cleaning.


Changsun's jaw dropped.

"Kim Jeunguk!" At this point, Jeunguk has already ditched the scene and escaped. Just as Changsun bolted out the room, he threw on the first clothes he see in his closet, grabbed his new sneakers that were chilling next to his closet and hightailed the shit out the window.

Changsun got a notification on his phone.

jeongie 🌚 :
im sorry hyung

jeongie 🌚 :
pls spare meeeee

jeongie 🌚 :

This is how Changsun wakes up almost every morning. This morning, it's different. Changsun went on instagram and looked for this 'Kiyong' boy's account.

"You are that boy." He smirked, seeing a recent post of the boy in all black, carrying his haversack, posing for a picture. The caption under his post read :

'kiyong_ : i found u'

"Ain't that the kid?" Jinhong startled Changsun with his random appearance.

"That's the kid, alright." Hongseob popped up from nowhere and commented.

"And that's Chan's bag." Cory pointed.

"So he knows who you are, but still let you find him?" Jinhong scratched his head, confused.

All four jumped when Changsun received a insta message.

kiyong_ : could have just msg u by ph no. but oh wells

kiyong_ : do u want yr bag back, hyung?

"The hell?" Hongseob wanted to snatch the phone but Changsun held it out of reach.

"My phone, I'll reply whatever the heck I want." Changsun snarled, turning back to his phone.

changsunny_ : Surprised a thief will reach out to their victim

kiyong_ : woah, i didnt take much, maybe 5 out of the 40+ ingots u got

kiyong_ : the rest are still in the bag. u can take it back, i dont need it anymore

"Meet him." Cory said.

changsunny_ : Sure, that bag holds memories

kiyong_ : 6 at kisu's coffee shop, u down, hyung?

changsunny_ : Kisu's on holiday, what do you mean? How do you know that I knew Kisu?

kiyong_ : that's what he wants u to think

kiyong_ : u'll be coming, hyung?

changsunny_ : Yeah

kiyong_ : i meant alone

kiyong_ : will u be coming alone, hyung?

"I'll deal with this." Changsun told the rest, typing back a reply.

changsunny_ : Alone

"Even though he's a kid, he's still dangerous!" Jeunguk argued.

"Yeah, Hongseob is dangerous as well." Changsun rolled his eyes and joked.

kiyong_ : i hope u will keep to yr promise

kiyong_ : as much as yr 'family' is good looking and all, im intending to just meet u and not them

changsunny_ : Family includes me?

kiyong_ : hyung, dont

"I like him " Jinhong announced.

"Boy, you haven't even met him!" Hongseob countered.

Changsun just sighs.

Just, who are you, Kiyong?

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