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i cant my hearteu, daeil and kisu :') fml im not crying, you are :'))))

Changsun took out his keys and stabbed it into the lock.

"Wait here first, I need to run damage control before letting you in." Kiyong stood to the side, confused as Changsun opens the door, dodging a pillow being thrown outside.

Wow, a great welcome.

"Where's the kid?" Jinhong asked.

"Put on a shirt, idiot!" Changsun growled, almost doing a split to get the thrown pillow and slid it back into the household.

"Okay, okay!" Jinhong raised his hand as Cory back-hand passed him a shirt from the freshly washed batch as he split the mac n cheese servings with his other hand.

"Where's Hongseob and Jeunguk?"

"Upstairs." Jinhong started stuffing his mouth with food as soon as the plate was served to him.

"Thanks, hyung."

"Don't talk with your mouth full, brat." Cory hissed, nonetheless still gave the younger a pat on the head for his manners.

"Seob, Guk!" Cory shouted upstairs before leaving for the kitchen.

"Ki." Changsun motioned for the boy to come over. The younger poked his head past the door, wide eyes scanning the area. Hongseob cooed and ran towards him from the stairs, squishy his cheeks.

"You're such a cutie! To think that Chan hyung was outsmarted by you." Changsun cleared his throat.

"Watch it, Seob." The latter closed the door behind them and plopped down next to Jinhong.

"Make yourself at home, Ki." He said before digging into his serving of food.

"He's staying?!" Jeunguk shouted, almost choking on his food.

"And this is why I said no talking while you eat!" Cory nagged and laughed, watching Jeunguk cough like he's about to die.

"Yeah, he's staying." Changsun watched the latter, just in case he decides to do anything funny.

"Sweet!" Jinhong grinned. Kiyong watched everyone running about as he sat down next to Changsun, instantly cuddling himself into the older when Hongseob scared the shit out of him by appearing out from nowhere.

"Let him breathe, Seob. You're scaring him." Cory pushed the younger away, setting a plate down on the table.

"All yours." He smiled at Kiyong, who picked up the fork and poked at the macaroni.

"It's good shit, trust me. Hyung makes the best mac n cheese." Jeunguk said, seeing the younger hesitantly taking a forkful. Kiyong looked up at Changsun, who just nudged his shoulder, telling him to give it a try.

"Looks like the kid only listens to Chan." Jeunguk smirked, getting a death glare soon after.

"If you don't shut your mouth, I will not hesitate to eat all of your serving, hyung." Kiyong stared at the plate, before taking a spoonful. His eyes lit up as he continued eating.

"At least there's someone who appreciate my cooking." Cory playfully messes up Kiyong's hair, directing his speech to Hongseob, who stuck out his tongue at the older in retaliation.

"You want another serving?" Changsun watched Kiyong finished his plate. Having his mouth full, the younger shook his head in reply.

"Aww, look at those cheeks! He looks like a cute little squirrel." Hongseob cooed from the other side of the table, looking like he's trying to restrain himself from reaching over and squishing those puffy cheeks, in case Changsun gives him a wack in the head in return.

"He got manners, unlike a certain someone." Cory eyed Jeunguk across the table.

"Hey, why do you have to keep picking on me? Pick on Jinhong or something." Jeunguk growled, pointing his fork at the latter sitting next to him. Jinhong gave him an offended look, before snatching the fork out of his hands.

He eyed Hongseob, who was walking towards the kitchen. The younger smirked, knowing exactly what his hyung wanted him to do. Everyone, especially Jeunguk, watched as Jinhong cocked an eyebrow at the latter, a sign of disrespect and threw his fork towards the kitchen. Hongseob casually kicks the dishwasher open, pulled out a compartment and went on to getting his second serving as Jeunguk's fork landed into the dishwasher.

"Disrespectful brats." Both Jeunguk and Cory growled at the two partners in crime, who both stuck out their tongues in unison.

"This is exactly why you two, and you two need to sit away from each other." Changsun sighed.

"But Jeungukkie, I love you!" Cory smirked, seeing Jeunguk putting his plate in the dishwasher and going upstairs.

"Last one start up the washer, I'm out."

"Guk, why won't you love me back?" Cory followed suit, wrapping his arms around the other's neck.

"Yah, leave me alone- What the hell, Cory!" The indirect shout for help was ignored by the others as Cory's laugh could be heard from their shared bedroom.

"Should we help Gukkie hyung?" Kiyong asked as the whole house suddenly became quiet.

"You gotta get use to it, Ki. This happens all the time." Jinhong mumbled, getting up for another serving. When Jinhong came back and sat down, Hongseob scooted over and laid his head on his lap, scrolling through his phone, having finished his food. Hongseob then opened his mouth, shooting a glance at Jinhong before his eyes were back on his phone.

It was a silent request for food. The older of the two took a forkful and gave it to him, not taking his eyes away from the TV.

"Let's go." Changsun whispered, taking Kiyong's plate, throwing them both into the washer and left. Kiyong gave the two on the couch one last longing look before following Changsun up.

I want to be like them, bonded like soulmates.

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