Chapter 5

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" Cammie?" I ask incredibly confused. She came to see me. I thought she didn't ever want to see me again.

" Willow, I'm so sorry," she cries. " I didn't know you were here! I would have come before! I'm so sorry. Hilda told me what happened when I went to your house this morning."

" You came to my house?" I ask.

" I think I'll come back tomorrow or something. Oh and Cammie I was wondering if I can talk to you?" June asks getting up from his chair.

" Okay," she sighs. She gets up lightly and walks over to the door. She motions June over.

" We don't have to talk right know, you just got here," he shrugs.

" Well I think that it would be better to get out over with? Don't you?" she smirks.

" Okay. I'll see you later Will," he smiles at me.

" Okay, thanks for coming," I smile back.

He nods head and leaves my room with Cammie. I wonder what he's going to tell her? Knowing Cammie she's probably going to scold him. No doubt. There words come out as hushes. I shouldn't be snooping but, I can't help it. To my luck all I could hear is shush hush sishowsh. Then out of nowhere, belly bottom.

Like where did that come from. I can't hear anything; then there's that word of all words. The hushes stop and Cammie walks in my room once again.

" Hey Will," she says.

" Hey Cam," I say back mocking her voice jokingly. She laughs and smiles at me. Then her face becomes serious and thoughtful.

" I'm stupid," she huffs. " I came to your house this morning to say I'm sorry for being stubborn. We all made stupid chooses. And mine was not forgiving you. And I bunch more stuff not worth mentioning."

" Cammie, I'm the one whose supposed to apologize. Don't be like June and blame yourself," I roll my eyes and smile.

" I'm not," she smirks with her flared attitude. A smile following. " You were stupid as well."

" Okay fair enough," I shrug. I see Cammie trying to keep up her flaring attitude. But a smile creeps up on her face every time. She never was good a keeping the same face or attitude for a long time.

" So are we good?" she asks. Her face begging for us to be good.

" We're good," I say nodding my head.

* * *

Cammie and I speak for hours until it's time for her to leave. We talked about the accident, which surprisingly doesn't scare me as much as it did before. Spring break being almost over with. My dad...

I lay there quietly not expecting anyone to come because visiting hours are over. I can't really sleep, with its odd because I love to sleep. So I stare at the wall thinking about everything that has happened to within the last past few days:

· I didn't help my friend when she needed my help.

· I got into a car reck.

· My dad died.

· I might have traumatic amnesia and anger issues. Which haven't happened lately. Good.

· June came to say sorry.

· Cammie came to say sorry.

· I forgave them both.

Well that about sums up the last three days. I have to say they were the worst and the greatest three days of my life. I try not to think of the worst because all I want to do is cry and what good does that do. Yeah sure you let it out but, the memory won't go away. When you cry, you think about over and over. Sometimes blaming yourself for what happened, yet you had no control over it. But it seems that blaming yourself for something is a pretty good way for you have a reason to sometimes hate yourself.

* * *

The morning comes by so quietly it seems that it never left. A nurse comes in to give me some food so I take the opportunity to all her a question.

" Um...I was wondering if you could tell a little about the other day when I at attacked my friend June?" I ask biting my lip. It takes a her a few seconds to recall what I was taking about but, she nods her head in approval.

" Oh it's nothing big just a side effect from the pill we had given you that morning. Doctor thought it was something else but, then we remembered about it. It was pretty high prescription, it can have some crazy side effects. Can't believe we forgot about it. But your perfectly fine," she promises.

" Okay," I say feeling a lot better. That means I won't attack for no reason. And that the hospital I'm in forgot about a pill they had given me. That's always good to hear." What about the amnesia thing?"

" Well the doctor believes that was nothing. Just something out of shock but, he's going to keep an eye on it," she smiles. " So the best thing I can tell yeah sweetie is to pray."

" Okay and thanks," I say back.

" No problem," she smiles. " You have a good night Ms.Amber."

" You too," I smile back.

She leaves my room and think about what she told me.

I guess I'm fine, I tell myself. I hope I am because in my experience with nurses and doctors is that they don't always tell you what's going on. They let you believe it's going to okay when sometimes it's not. Not always but, sometimes. So I attacked June because it was a side effect from the medicine they gave me. What type medicine does that? Good i'm not going to attack anyone anymore. But I won't stop grieving my dads death because I won't ever forget it. I guess this is the time I do wish I had amnesia.

Today was weird I think to myself. I don't know if it's the fact the actually got Cammie to forgive me or the fact that I'm starting to realize to I really don't have my dad to confront me or give me advice. No matter how hard I try I can't get him out of my head because that's what I wan't. To erase him from my memory. It's too hard having all my memories pop up at random times or being reminded. With my mom it's different; I never got to remember any memories with her and that really kills me inside.

Now I have no mom or dad.


Well another Chapter!!! Hope y'all liked it. So yeah. Vote and Comment.

Sorry for the mistakes i may have made. Have a great day!!!!!!

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