_chapter two_

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he had a girlfriend??how could i be so stupid.i should have known that he wasnt gay and i had no chance.

all these thoughts ran through my mind and yet i just sat there,emotionless.

"hi jonah and gabbie."i said.

"hey ."they said.

the akward silence went on for a while until jack spoke up.

"so whats your schedule herron?"i took out my scheldule out of my bag and handed it across the table to him.

"hmm,looks to me you have all the same classes as me this afternoon exept one.that one you have gabbie and jonah in."oh lord,i thought.

once the bell rang for our next classes me and jack headed to our next class together, totally forgetting that i was walking with daniel to all my classes.

i sat in the back with jack and we didnt really listen, we just passed a note to each other.

j-hey zach wanna hang out tonight?
z-sure that sounds great.
j-k heres my number so you can text me and ill text you the address.
z-k thanks

once the day was over and after going through the terrible class i had with jonah and gabbie where gabbie stared at me and jonah kinda just sat beside me, making me feel like i had a bodyguard,i finally got to go home and text jack.i saw daniel on the way home and he came over to me.

"why'd you ditch me today?"he was frowning, which is not a normal face for him.

"Oh I made a few friends"

"Oh okay so we're still friends though right?"


"Okay wanna hang out at my place then?"

"Oh um I'm sorry I actually am hanging out with Jack tonight sorry."

"Ah its fine."he said with a reassuring smile.i smiles back.wow that was a real smile from me, I thought, i never smile.

When I got home i texted Jack.

hey its Zach

Hey herron my address is *** ************ **.

kk I'll be there in 10.

I got to Jack's house in 8 minutes,and as you know,I don't have a car so my mother had to drive me.i got out of the car and waved goodbye to my mom.jack had opened the door before I was even on my porch.

"Hey come on in."he smiled at me.i smiled back. come on Zach, get ahold of yourself,he has a girlfriend, but I couldn't.i liked him so much.

I walked in the front door.

"um you can take your shoes off and put them over there,"he pointed,"here we'll go and watch at movie in my room."

oh no.i don't trust myself to not do anything.but I went upstairs with him anyway.

"so herron,tell me about yourself."he sat down on his  bed and i felt like i was gonna drowl.he looked so sexy in those black ripped jeans,and that black shirt and leather jacket,he honestly was really edgy,but i haven't seen that jack yet.

I had forgotten all about what he said before, and was just staring at him.

"herron?you there?"

"oh yeah,"i said,"um im really not that interesting."

"come on how about if i tell you something about me that nobody's ever known about me will you tell me about you?"

"fine I guess."

"okay well you really don't know anything about me really,i actually am known as the school bully, but I only do that for a reason.i have things that I don't want anyone to know about."

he's telling me all this, and i feel the sudden urge to tell him everything,even though I shouldn't.

"I've been to 3 schools in the past 2 and a half years because people found out about something."i told him and suddenly felt nervous.what if he asks about why i went to so many new schools?

"i have too."

He understands me??I can't believe this....I can't get attached,I just can't start having feelings again,last time I could feel,it ended badly.

-jacks pov-

shit did I just say that?I could have screwed up my life by doing that.

"you know what screw the movie, let's go have some fun."i said having the perfect idea,"you in?"

-zachs pov-

jack drove us to a dark alleyway,and we got out of the car.


"who's the friend?"a guy walked out of the shadows,and had a brown paper bag.

"this is Zach.why?"

"nothing.wheres the money?"

"right here."jack pulled a wad of cash out of his right back pocket.him and logan switched items and we walked away from each other.

i knew it was weed,i used to get it in freshman year.

we got back to jacks house,and he opened the bag.jack was surprised that I knew how to roll them.

after we were high,me and jack were talking.

"you know,your not too bad herron,"he said sliding closer to me on the bed.if only he knew how much that turned me on.it was almost dark, so i figured i should head home.

"hey jack I'm gonna head home it's getting la-"

"no no stay here with me."so i just texted my mom to tell her I'm staying over at jacks house.

"so what did you mean when you said they found out about you and so you had to change schools?"I asked jack.

"this."he leaned over and planted his soft pink lips on mine.

he looked away.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done th-"I took my hand and turned his head around to see me and I kissed him back.

Sorry guys for this being a reallyyy boring chapter but honestly i was just trying to get in a chapter even though I was NOT in the mood so yeah🙂but on the bright side THEY KISSED 😱😱😱

Love you all and i might be a while or whatever because i go back to school in less than a week 😴😰

love you all
-emily xoxo😘😘😘

word count:1023

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