_chapter three_

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zachs pov-

the kiss lasted for a minute or so, until me and jack needed a break to take a breath. when we pulled away, i looked at jack. damn, his eyes are so beautiful. and his hair. and his lips. i want to kiss him again so badly. but i shouldn't. i dont want to have to switch schools again. i dont want to get bullied again. but i just cant help it.

i look into his deep brown eyes, red from the weed we smoked earlier. i leaned in again, taking no time to brush my lips against his before kissing him again. he kissed back, deepening the kiss. god, I just can't get enough.

jacks pov-

just then zach kissed me again. I kissed back. I really shouldn't fucking be doing this. if anyone at school knew I was gay, It might ruin me, and my reputation of being the "bad boy" so people don't suspect anything. my parents too, i dont want them to know about this, ever since they sent me to that shitty military boarding school after finding me cuddling with my best friend in 7th grade. were obviously not friends now, considering he thinks im gay, which i am.

i rolled over on top of zach, him laying under me now. this went on for a good 5 minutes, when we broke the kiss, and decided to watch the movie "me before you". i cuddled into zachs chest, taking in the new but still comforting smell of his hoodie.

zachs pov-

jack cuddled into my chest, and I wrapped my arms around him with my chin on the top of his head of brown curls.

"Jack?" I asked.

"Yeah Zach?"

" What are we now?" Jack sat up. He looked me in the eyes.

"I know that people aren't going to accept us, but I like you so fucking much that i will take the risk of being picked on, and losing friends, if it meant that I could be with you every second of every day." jack said to me, and he truly means it.

" Me too, jack." I said, Leaning down and pecking his lips," I like you so fucking much too."

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"don't forget your lunch today honey!" my mom yelled from the kitchen. I walked down the stairs, seeing that Reece was up, but Ryan was not up yet. My mom walked over and handed me my lunch.

"Thanks mom!" I told her before trying to get myself motivated to try to go and walk to school in the rain.

I walked out my front door and instantly felt the humid, misting air. I looked over to see that jack, was standing on my front steps, smiling from head to toe.

"Hey." Jack said enthusiastic.

"Hey Jack." I said, and smiled at him. I can't contain how much I like him. "We gonna walk to school?"

"Yeah." We talked for what seemed like forever, telling each other about our insecurities, and our life. It was like we could tell each other anything and everything, like for once, someone cared.

But once we got to school, everything changed.

jacks pov-

God, zach, what are you doing to me? I thought. I could tell him everything, from my pet peeves to my weird habits. But what do I tell people? That I'm gay? Theyll all disregard me, say mean, homofobic things that I've been told at my old schools. But what if im wrong? What if they do accept me? There's no time now though, because we had just showed up at school. Then the thing I most feared,happened.

They all knew. All eyes were on me and Zach. Then jonah stood up.

"Is it true you and Zach are gay?" He asked, kind of offended, which I did not know why. I stood for a second, looked at Zach, and suddenly, I was tired of all the lies. I took Zach's hand into mine.

Zach's pov-

jack looked at me, and then took my hand.

"Yes," he said strait out, and loudly," me and Zach are gay. And theres nothing wrong with that. If you have a problem with it, then that's your opinion. But I believe that love is love. And guess what, I'm gay, and Zachs gay. Were gay for each other. there nothing wrong with it."

I looked at jack, and squeezed his hand to show I'm here. He looked back at me, and squeezed my hand back.

Everyone looked around, and then started to cheer. Who knew they would accept me like that?

~~~~~time skip to lunch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jacks pov-

I really miss zach, I thought. I was walking through the hallway, hoping to see his face on my way to the lunch room. And then I saw him. Gabbie had him pinned to a locker, trying to make out with him, when he obviously did not want her touching him.

"Get the hell off of him!" I yelled at her yanking her away and grabbing Zach, who was fairly tramatized.

"It's okay Zach, your going to be alright." I hugged him, and then pecked his now swollen lip, because of Gabbie biting it so aggressively.

By now, Gabbie was long gone, and Jonah walked around the corner.

"We'll look what we have here, the two gay kids." He laughed.

Zach's pov-

I pulled jack back, he looked like he was going to pounce on Jonah, and kill him.

"Go away, Jonah." I said sternly. His smirk just grew bigger.

HEY GUYS!!!!! I've missed writing so much, I've hardly had any time to do anything these days. But I'll try to post more!!

~xoxo emily 😘

word count: 952

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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