_Chapter one_

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"zach!wake up honey it's your first day at your new school."fuck my life i thought to myself.

I finally got up for school 20 minutes later, and threw on a pair of black jeans and a purple addias sweatshirt.i felt like i looked presentable,even though it won't matter anyway.nobody at this new schools gonna like the depressed, gay kid who doesn't give a fuck about anything and has trust issues.ive been to 3 schools in the past 2 and a half years even since I came out as gay and got bullied by all my friends.so now I'm alone now.

I went downstairs and told my mom bye and skipped breakfast.unlike normal seventeen years olds, i did not have a car and my mother was not even close to letting me to have one.im pretty sure she thinks I'll hurt myself in one ever since i started cutting.so as i was walking to school i saw this boy, he had his hood up, and i could see little curls sticking out of the side of the hood.i had this sudden drawn to him, and in a split second, this boy, with a huge smile on his face, popped out of nowhere.

"I wouldn't mess with him if I were you,"he said,"im daniel."he extended his right hand out for me to shake.i shook his hand.i knew i shouldn't get attached to him, because I knew he'd find out about me, and he'd suddenly think im the grossest person he's ever met.but I greeted him back anyway.

"im zach."

"well zach, are you new here?"

"um-"I stuttered,"yeah i am new."

"Well then I'm your perfect tour guide!"he said with that stupid smile still plastered on his face.

"um yeah sure thanks."i said akwardly.i was never a social person, you know, since I never wanted the boys to know I was gay, and I wasn't going out with girls so what was a supposed to do?

When we finally got to school after daniel would not stop talking, we went to the office and got my schedule.by my surprise, i had all the same classes as daniel.

all the classes were fine so far.i sat with Daniel and his other friend, corbyn and his girlfriend christina.
Both of them seemed nice I guess.thats when i saw that kid, the one i was so drawn while walking to school.i excused myself and went over to him.he didn't have his hood up this time,but he was frowning,surrounded by a bunch of girls,and a tall boy with brown hair.

"do you need something?"i now realize that i had been standing there for a while just staring.


"do you need something?"said the boy with the hood no longer on his head.

"i-no sorry."i started to walk away when he said something.

"hey,what's your name anyway?"

"it's zach.zach herron."

"how about you come sit with us."he said it as if it really wasn't a question.

I walked over and sat akwardly at the table.the girl to his right was staring at me,and kinda biting her lip.gross. i thought.

"well hi zach,welcome to the popular kids group.this is jonah,"he pointed to his left,"and this is gabbie, my girlfriend."

my blood ran cold.

Sooooo.....how was it?I kinda was done with the story of  just Jack,it really wasn't going anywhere (sorry)anyway idk when the next chapters gonna be and this one kinda sucks so sorry 😳btw I did not edit this one i was lazy:(

~emily xoxo😘

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