FIFTEEN| Decision

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You couldn't remember. You tried as hard as you could to recall the word Jungkook had spoken after the kiss, but it wasn't coming to you. It had been Korean for sure, and you would have just looked it up, but your mind must have been hazy at the moment and blocked your confused brain from processing it fully. You banged your head against your desk as you flushed under fragments of the things you DID remember...

His hair had been messy... YOU had made it that way. His breath had been heavy... YOU had stolen it from him. You stared at your friend who had just taken your first kiss in the most pleasurable of fashions and willed the world to stop forever so you could just look at him. Your eyes trailed down to his slightly parted and swollen lips for a moment as his eyes still seemed to have a sort of control over you...

You needed fresh air. It had already been a week since it had happened... and yet... no matter how hard you tried to forget it and move on, you couldn't. And it was ruining everything you had loved so much between you and Jungkook.

Everything was different and horrible; everything Jungkook had initially feared regarding making any moves outside the comfort zone coming true. The day after, you didn't talk to each other. Not even a little. In fact, you both seemed to avoid eye contact and ignore each others existence completely.

It was too much... every time you looked at him your mind immediately recalled the happenings in his room and you would stiffen before turning away with red cheeks. You couldn't bring yourself to face him... 

Why had he done it? Jungkook regretted it so much and found that he also couldn't seem to face you after he had taken the way of getting May to back off much too far. Everything was so awkward and horrible that he wished he could reverse time. You were obviously uncomfortable and maybe even scared of him. 

The day right after the kiss, you had both happened to walk outside the houses at the same time; both freezing as you noticed each others presence. Jungkook's face had immediately began turning red and yours as well as his form reminded you of the day before.

You both looked away and began walking to school a few yards apart from each other.

At the lunch table, Sam was extremely confused. Where as the usual happenings at lunch tended to consist of the two of you talking heartily and laughing with each other, that day there was nothing but uncomfortable silence. He looked back and forth between the two of you who were pointedly avoiding eye contact and silently eating.

"Did I... miss something? Did you guys get in a fight or something?"

A fight would have been much simpler. 

"No." You quickly responded, blushing a little and turning away when Jungkook looked at you. Sam was still unsure of the situation but decided to not push it as it seemed to be a sensitive topic. He instead began talking to Jungkook about how his car had needed repairs. You sat silently to the side while Jungkook seemed half in the conversation.

Every day since the kiss had been like this, and after a week; both you and him were starting to go crazy. You hated it so much. You missed him. he missed you. The aftermath left so many regrets that you both found as much as you had both... enjoyed the experience... you both wished that somehow the moment could disappear.

You just wanted things to go back to normal, and after a week of silence between you you were ready to do whatever it took to get your friend back. You knew what you had to do. You had to talk, no matter how awkward it would be. You had to resolve the tension and discuss everything that had happened so you could come to a mutual agreement and things would go back to normal. 

You paced back and forth in your room, trying to figure out how you were going to approach him. You hated the way things were and weren't ready for the life you had had before you had met Jungkook to come back. You had cried after the first day of silence, but now you were mostly just determined.

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