Nicest body

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Dating coolest and smartest guy? Unfortunately only exist in fanfic. But you still won't give up on him. You had a crush on Makoto Tachibana since he saved your life from drunker. Loving someone secretly will never be easy. You didn't have the guts to tell him straight how you feel.

"He's wanted by many girls. I have no chance to get him" you said hopelessly while drawing his face on your sketch book.

"Can you stop dreaming? He's totally an ordinary boy. You're exaggerating" the guy next to you interrupted, still not looking at you.

"He's tall, kind, smart, considerate, captivate, every girls ideal type. And he has the nicest body please!" Almost shouted at him.

Haruka put down his book, turned at you. He had no expression at all just like usual. He bent down and lifted you up.

"Haruka idiot Nanase put me down! Or i kill you!" You swatted him as he carried you over his shoulder. Other classmate were watching at you both. It was embarrassing.

"Shut up. Im going to kidnap you" he carried you out of class, going to somewhere.

As you expected, he carried you to the outdoor swimming pool. The place where he spent most of his time or when he skip classes.

Haruka put you down, placed his hands on your hips and held his forehead against yours while your nose touched his.

You turned away either in anger or embarrassment.

"Where are you going?" He blocked you when you were about to leave him. He shook his head side to side while loosening his tie.

"Back to.... Haruka what the hell do you think you're doing?!" You thought you would probably faint now.

"Showing off my nicest body" he replied nonchalantly.

His gaze lingering on his face and without breaking eye contact, Haruka began to unbutton his uniform.

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