1-Villainy at its good point

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This is a story about a woman who is considered a villain, she has long ago accepted the position but what now one knows, not even her 'enemy' the hero, is that she never puts anyone in danger.

Minion 28, my favorite minion, passed by me into the business building to help the other minions clear the building. This was supposed to be a normal day, burn down a building and have the 'hero' and civilians think that there were people being burned alive inside, if anything it was a minion or two that know how to put the fire out of it becomes too much. You may be asking, then why clear out the building? Well there are WAY too many civilians in this building today, if anything I just see this as another job. They all get knocked out, thrown into a decoy department and all the important details that need to be burned burns and the details that can't be burned are left near the windows where the hero can pick it up on his way in saving the civilians. "Just four more boss." Minion 18 called from his post as he tugged on his tight fit shirt. Okay, he needs a new shirt, he's distracting everyone with his toned body. "Hurry it up, the hero is gonna be making his rounds in five." I called walking into the makeshift changing room within the van, time to be a villain.
"Ms. Spade!" A voice called from outside, I peaked out finally being able to tug my leggings all the way up and walked out, slipping my boots on. "Yes?" I asked but then I saw-him-"Ah, hello Mr. Hero." I put on a smile, the most evil thought that I always couch myself to think of cane into my mind.
"You're early, why is that? I thought we had a set schedule." I frowned ever so slightly, it looked more like a pout. He crossed his arms then motioned to the kid next to him-ah-speedster, "little Mr. Speedster" I smiled, "What a lovely visit." Little speedster froze up, he was shaking in his boots. "I suggest you stop this now." The little guys eyes narrowed as he spoke up, stop what?
"And stop what exactly? I was only setting up a lit party for you and Mr. Hero over here, you're supposed to blow out the candles right?" I tilted my head, "I thought this was supposed to be a date." What was going on? They looked at each other then back at me, silently communicating, where was this going? "The media isn't here yet because we called off the alarm, we want to speak face to face, we.... we need a vacation, I still need to teach this kid!" Mr. Hero answered this time.
"Alright, I'll call off the fire... but you do know that I still need to do my job right? I'll let you have a vacation but you still need to hand over the paper." I said pointed a finger at him, he pulled an envelope from his pocket and held it up, minion 28 took ahold of it and checked the contents before handing it over, this is why I love minion 28 he doesn't ask, he just do. I looked down and say at least 28 days worth of villain free days. "You took these from your damsels didn't you?" I asked, I couldn't help the Cheshire smile growing on my lips, this goody two shoes actually stole from the girls he has been saving just for this occasion? "Alright, you got a deal 29 days free of villainy, the extra day is a reward, starting today after all it is a promise that I keep. That also means that for those 29 days I can't be caught so... call off your police friends that are circling the back of the building." I smiled as the color drained from the kid but he kept his composure. "Have a fun vacation." I coed then jumped on into the van, of course I knew the cops were coming, these city cops are too predictable. I sat down and sighed, my minions being called off and sent home to spend a 29 day break with their family. "Great, now I gotta change." I groaned.

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