2. The future is dark

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The human race is caged and brought into destruction by their own hands, ww4 destroyed the earth and everything that existed upon it but somehow we and all other species were pulled from the world were shipped off to a zoo that was many galaxies away. What is to come of the people that don't comply or survive? Well you would just have to ask our lovely Ms. Swapp, she will tell you her story and how she became a servant to a blood hungry man.

Chapter 1: questions for the dead

I guess I should question how you all are, back home. It's been about one hundred years since I was last there and it was spent in cryosleep last I was there ww3 just started-the planet going into chaos-I still somehow have the radio working but it isn't up to date. Good thing because the war propaganda isn't there nor the whole "the world is ending" I hope for the best. A few people were brought with me sixteen to be exact, they were entered into a breeding program while I was practically thrown into this small room I was told to call home. The walls were vacant of decoration, there was a simple one person bed sitting against the wall with a writing desk sat below a window in the next. The room over was a bathroom, one sink, shower, and toilet. It was simple but something told me that the rooms would be upgraded over time, I was even ready to beg for it. A small but raging knock sounded from the door as it forced itself open like a panel. "Hippie!" A voice called and I only turned.

The man on the other side seemed ready to attack at any second his shoulders tensed and face angry. "Yes?" I answered turning it into a slight question asking about his attitude. He seemed to grumble at my own attitude. "Get your damn ass over here and hurry up, you are needed to coax the specimens into eating." That, that's what we were to them. Specimens, things just to auction off as if we're pets ready for sale. "Alright..." I said trailing off into my own thoughts but I followed him.

We headed for what seemed like a tram that was so futuristic that it could even make most become jealous at its innovative luxury look to it. The doors opened revealing a landscape that the windows never truly see, that was it. A tram that evolved through technology, a screen popped up and seemed to ask for a name.

"Griffin-Lex-Lan" he spoke each syllable as if speaking to a toddler. The screen registered the name in a different language then the doors flew right open accepting us both in. "Now, your first... assignment is to get the mutts to eat. They have been getting more and more feral with each day." He seemed to growl and despise the situation going on.

The Tram begin moving practically throwing me against the wall into the far back, "oh right, hold on" the man snickered but now I had the time to actually look at him. He was on the fury side with a dog like face, I swear he was a oversized human pug with the deadliness of a wolf. His legs were of a human shape that just bent in a feral way, he was calm and collected barely saying a thing while we moved to the next location. "Like what you see? Take a picture and it will last longer." He grumbled as he turned to me, scratch the pug part that was a snout of a slobbering bulldog. "Nah, just contemplating how much of an ass you're gonna become by the end of the night." I stated coolly just shrugging off his remark. A growl vibrated into laughter as he had a full on guffaw at my remark. "You're my favorite so far noob, you can call me Griffin. I'm from a different planet from yours." He smiled staring me down from where he stood. His canines were huge bit bigger than his Earthly imitators. "So are you my hairs dog or my device dog?" I asked snarkily hoping that that would have gotten me on his good side and well it did because he broke out into even more laughter. "Is this how funny you humans are?" He asked but I shook my head. "Not unless they wanna get hate from the crowd." I stated shrugging but that only lead him into his own laughter as the door opened.

"This is our stop kid." He chuckled as he made his way out the door and I followed close behind. There was another hallway to follow as we head through it.

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