3. The before and after effect

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I guess the worst way to explain my current situation is to scream into someone's ear, or just fainting, but I'm a strong girl, twenty years old and a working student. There are currently three strangers in my basement at this moment, two weird looking people, probably aliens, and a standing decaying body. All staring at me currently like I was the one invading their privacy. Nope, this is my basement.
"Wh-who are you?" I hated stuttering but with two "guns" being aimed in my direction I'd rather not die by a unknown force. I'm not taking any chances with what seem to be trigger happy that almost blew my head off if I hadn't ducked when I first opened the door. "Are you the owner of this house?" Asked the male but while he spoke my eyes landed on his lips, that was complete one hundred percent English but, the syllables that formed at his mouth were completely different. Did I just understand a alien or did they have a translator. I blinked confused at the whole thing until the corpse spoke, "are you the owner?" He asked, a corpse just spoke, sure he can stand on his own but say a full on partial sentence?
Yup, I'm officially going insane but I only nodded as an answer and zombie boy turned to the aliens like 'see what did I tell you'. Was I supposed to know him? Maybe, he's probably one of those cosplayers that I invited to my house for a Dn'D match once, yeah I'm a nerd, bite me. He must have been one of those Left 4 Dead Hunter cosplayers before death and resurrection.I have no clue and the aliens had almost the same structure as a human being minus the pointy ears, purple skin, and their eyes were like mini galaxies.
They stood in a defensive position like I was about to attack them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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