Magic isn't it?

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Author's Note: Obviously I don't own Harry Potter or any other characters. I'd be so flipping rich if I did though...Anyway, on with the story! WARNING: Mentions abuse (in like...the first paragraph)

"Freak! You don't deserve what we do for you!" Vernon shouts as the whip cuts into my skin. I bite my lip till it bleeds to not scream. Screaming makes the punishment worse. I feel the blood dripping down my back. The whip slices through the air and onto my back over and over until I can barely stay conscious from pain and blood loss. He finally stops, realizing I won't scream and, after untying my wrists from the bedpost, leaves. I try to stand and nearly collapse. Deciding it's best I crawl, I do so to my cupboard. I collapse on my cot and pass out. 

In my dream, I'm greeted by a very pale man with dark, midnight blue hair. He turns and I'm able to better see what he's wearing from my position on the floor. Wearing a black suit with a black button down and silver tie, he looks vaguely familiar.

"Hello, Hadrian. When you...wake up, you'll be fully healed. I am furious that a mortal who clearly has a death wish would attack you so viciously. What I can do for you, however, is teach you something that will...basically change your existence. Magic!" The man utters with a smirk. I shake my head.

"Magic isn't--" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"If it isn't, then how do you explain the fact that that horse-faced woman's favorite flowers all died when you got mad at her?" The man asks with a mischievous smile, as he knows I'm stumped.

"You're-you're right. But...who are you? And how will you teach me?" I decide to start with my most pressing questions.

"I'm the great and powerful Death! Though some call me Acer," He proclaims. I surprise him by smiling.

"That explains why you seem familiar. You knew my parents when they died. A car crash, wasn't it?"

"While yeah, I know 'em, they aren't dead. They were attacked the night that everyone believes they died, by a certain Albus Dumbledore. They Apparated away after making sure I was there to protect you. Dumbledore killed two Muggles and glamoured them to make them look like the supposed late Lily and James Potter. Then he glamoured your forehead to make that 'scar' appear. And he lied about the Dark Lord. Who knew none of this until a few hours later. The three of them have been in hiding ever since." I sit in silence for a few seconds before nodding.

"To get materials for me to teach you, you need money. We'll got to Gringotts, the Wizarding Bank, in the morning." He muses.

"In case you haven't noticed, Vernon and Petunia hate me and, I'm guessing, magic. They won't let me out of the house." I look up at him with a frown.

He smirks at me. "I have my methods." 

I sigh at his vagueness. He continues. "You and I share a mental link that I can communicate with you with. And vice versa. I can also appear in a human-like form. I'll Apparate you."

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