V · Pounding Rain and So-Called Lovebirds

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Recommended song:
Breake by Mako

I WALK OUT OF SCHOOL and into the parking lot, I look up to the sky, it seems as if it was going to rain. Big dark clouds covered the sky, not a bit of blue was to be seen.

My eyes dart around the area, I try to see if I can recognize anyone's vehicle so I could get a ride.

"Doesn't the universe just want us to be together," I turn around to see Jughead, a small laugh escapes from my mouth before I could stop it.

I nod, "it sure does." Jughead looks to the sky just as I did, he notices the dark clouds.

"It looks like it's going to rain," he sighs, "want a ride home?" It seems as if he was shocked by his own question.

I smile at him and nod as he leads us to his motorcycle. Nostalgia coming to me, he hands me a helmet and I buckle it on.

We both get on the motorcycle and I squeeze him the same way I did the other day, except a tiny bit less. I tell him my address and we drive down the road

"So," he says, "why didn't you tell them yet?" I am confused at first, but I then realize he was talking about my friends.

I shrug, even if he can't see it, "I guess it's all my friends expect me to be the 'responsible' one, or the 'mature' one, when really, I'm the least of either of those things. I just act like I am." I have to scream over the loud noise coming from the vehicle.

"Wow," he scoffs, "you got yourself into a messy situation."

I frown, "I know I did, and I hate myself so much for it." I hated how that sounded, it was like I was begging for attention.

"Hey," he softly says, "everyone makes mistakes, the serpents and I are here for you, even if no one else is."

I smile, "thank you, Jughead." He doesn't reply, instead, he nods.

Drop, I feel a wet substance on my head, drop drop, raindrops were falling every second.

"It's going to get heavy," he sighs, "we should make a stop."

"Where?" I ask, soon enough, I see the lights of pops and he drives towards it. We both get off the motorcycle and into pops. I dial my moms number and assure that I'm okay and that I'm at pops with a friend, but I don't specify who.

He sits at one end of the booth and I sit at the other. I try to avoid eye contact, but every so often I catch him staring at me.

"So," he speaks, "are you hungry?" I shrug, "I'll eat if you'll eat."

He nods, Pops walks over to us, "may I get you two lovebirds a meal?" I blink. Lovebirds?

"Pops!" I scold, I look to see if Jughead would say anything, but he doesn't, he just flashes a pretty smile.

"Well, I would like a burger sided with fries and a chocolate milkshake, what about you, princess?" He announces.

I am unsure of my order so I just spit out anything, "uh, same as him, but a vanilla milkshake." He nods at the both of us before walking away.

I groan, "he saw Archie breaking up with me, I can't believe he would just assume that I'm here with a brand new person the next few days!"

He gives me a confused face, "I'm sorry, who's Archie?"

I then realize I haven't told him the reason why I decided to get drunk, so I did- I started to explain.

"Well-," I say in an annoyed tone, "-he's basically the reason why I have this." I check to see if anyone was looking before pulling up my sleeve.

He nods, "sounds like one hell of a guy."

I laugh, "trust me, he is."

By now, rain was heavily pounding on the window, I was mildly glad that we decided to make a stop, because I would come home looking like a wet poodle.

After 5 minutes of painful silence, a waiter arrives with two meals and milkshakes. We both thank her before she walks back towards the counter.

We both silently eat before Jughead speaks, "so, what's your story?"

"My story?"

"Yeah, your interests, things you like, any random fact about yourself." I slowly nod, "okay."

I straighten up, "well, when I graduate, I plan to move to New York for college," I think for a while, "I also really love detective documentaries and books, Nancy Drew was my favourite thing to read from when I was 10 till I was 13." I breathe out, "my sister, Polly, died last year."

I stay silent for a while, "there is so much more but I can't think of any, so, what about you?"

He bites his lower lip, "okay," he sighs, "my parents divorced when I was about 8, and I was separated from my little sister ever since."

"I have a mild passion for writing, I think that's my biggest talent," he smiles a little bit, "I'm actually writing a novel."

A grin appears on my face, "that sounds great." He nods, "it does."

I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach, my heart was pounding heavily.

He looks out the window, "looks like the rain calmed down, we better get going." I nod, I take out my wallet to pay, but he beats me to it.

"Thanks for paying," I smile.

After we reach the park next to my house, I tell him to stop here so my mom wouldn't see me riding with a serpent.

I get off, "hey, Jughead," he turns his head to my direction, "thank you for today, I enjoyed it."

He smirks, "well, princess, I enjoyed it too, so expect another day like this is in the future."

Heat rises to my face, "that's good to know."

He winks, "till next time, princess." He drives off and I stay where I am, staring at him leave in the far distance


Authors Note

hello! I decided to make a
cute early bughead chapter
for yall

love you always 💖


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