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I don't remember what it was called, but I remember this scene from a movie I once saw. The Protagonist of this movie was a really pathetic, lazy guy. Who was in love with the girl next door. For over three years. It was frustrating to watch. I thought I was gonna go crazy. All he did was lurk around her, he never did anything! Juat when the protagonist was about to give up, suddenly, the woman appeared and touched him. Followed by an intense kiss. Since then I always had this fantasy. I wanted to be touched like that by the woman I loved. Because to be honest...I was just like the protagonist of that movie...slow, indecisive, and pathetic. But you know...? On my 25th wish was granted. Suddenly the woman I was in love with, appeared in front of me and touched me! With a slap to my face. That really happend!! Why...? You want to know what I did to deserve this...? I don't know!! We never spoke once, so what could I have possibly done to deserve this?!

As I stood in shock, she pulled out a timer and pressed stop. "8.73 Seconds" she said looking up at me. "Your reaction time is slower than a dead sloth. Therefore, your cognitive and perceptive abilities must be poor, weak, and inadequate. I bet you can't even get hard that easily. Seeing as how you're not angry after getting hit for no reason at all, you're even lazy and apprehensive. Okay. You're on the list." she said turning around and walking away from me. At least I know her name, Raven. She's 21 years old and is a second year student in the art school. She's about 5'4 and I would guess 110 pounds. Her house is far away so she lives in a small apartment near the school. But we are total strangers. Except for the fact that our club rooms are next to eachother...the fact that she's extremely beautiful, the fact that we take the same western history lecture, and the fact she kept appearing in my dreams. In fact, they were erotic dreams! That's right. At some point I had fallen in love with her.
Anyway, that day, I heard that she slapped a total of 6 guys including me. I still don't know exactly why. But the craziest part was, that evening she suddenly appeared in front of me and asked "you wanna live with me?". As I stood confused and in shock once again, she said "You have 10 seconds to answer" and began counting. By the time she got to "3..2.." I responded with a loud "Yes!! I said Yes !!".
I know its hard to believe, but it's true. Only 4 days later, we really moved in together. I sat quietly and in shock as she undressed in front of me and went in the bathroom. The shower started and all I could think was "Really?!". This is how our story begins.

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