Ana - 91

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Her world was dark. She fumbled in the void and climbed to her feet. Her sides ached. She felt

ripped open.

In the distance, she heard a guttural choking noises. With hands splayed out, feeling the empty

black, she approached.


Do not waste this!


Elizabeth. West was hurting her. Ana felt her sides. Her hands touched wet blood, but no gun.

She slid he hand down the small of her back and removed her derringer. You should carry that

with you at all times from now on.

While Elizabeth and West argued, she lurked in the shadows. Their words submerged her. They

were absurd, unintelligible. Then her own name.

Miss. Yukishnov

The heartbomb.

"Do it." Don't. Please don't.

"But not a murderer." Elizabeth spat Ana's words out.

Ana would only get one shot. Her practise with Rusalka...

She aimed for Elizabeth's heart and pulled the trigger. The bullet blasted through her back and

shattered the bomb, severing the explosives. Blue leather, torn. A jetstream of red. Elizabeth

crumpled to her knees, spraying blood. The key landed with a hollow thunk. A green sphere

grabbed them both and threw them into silence.

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