Story Three - All in the Family

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Hello there my fellow dirty minded brothers and sisters! ;) JK, you are my people. 

Okay, so this one-shot is going to have some major incest in it so if you aren't comfortable with that please don't read this one shot. If you don't mind and are like, the more the merrier! Then, please read on and I hope you enjoy! :D 

Oh, and another thing. This one shot, just like my other stories as well, are going to be bxb, mxb, or, if you don't understand... GAY. :) Kk, that's all.

Please enjoy! (And don't forget to leave a request below, vote, comment, and share!)


He was always with him. 

Wherever he went my older brother was always a few just a few steps behind no matter what. 

I wasn't jealous per se... Or maybe I was, I don't know. 

Oh, if you're curious as to who I'm talking about, I'm talking about my dad and my brother.

I'm Matthew, you can call me Mattie, my dad and brother do. If you're wondering where my mum is, I would wonder the same thing right along with you. None of us know and none of us care. She left right after I was born, literally like, my dad carried me home from the hospital. Yeah, we don't know where she went and like I said before, we don't care. 

Being raised by a single dad was perfect for me. I had my brother Andrew and my dad so that's all I ever needed. We were a close-knit family and I loved it. I loved them with all my heart.

Recently though, I've been noticing some odd goings-on. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks or maybe my head has finally cleared from it's pokemon and COD induced fog that I've been living in for most of my life. I mean, after I got my chores done and my homework all of my time was spent on those two things. Gotta catch 'em all.

I don't know, but it seems to me like my dad and Drew are... I'm not sure, it's like they are in on a secret that I don't know about. It bugs me to no end that I think they're hiding something from me. 

Being just three guys living under the same roof together for as long as I can remember we have always shared everything together. We were a lay it all on the table kind of family and then fight out for our opinions and solve it that way. It had worked so far and even me coming out as gay a few years ago hadn't been a problem. Drew and my Daddy, (Yes, I still call my father Daddy. Don't judge me, I'm still a kid) 'Jonathan' is his name, just looked at each other and then gave me a knowing look, saying that they knew already and were waiting for me to just fess up. 

Needless to say, I left the table with a brighter than red face and a flustered, stuttering mess after we had a few... discussion about... things. *cough* safe sex and boyfriend limitations *cough*

Okay, that was a bit off the subject, back to the real problem at hand. So, Drew and I have always idolized my father and really, what's not to love about him. 

He's in his early, early thirties, looks like he's in his twenties, dresses like a Calvin Klein magazine model, has a killer smile, and he has those beautiful, sparkling, cobalt blue eyes that can pierce through even the strongest of hearts and make them swoon. (Wow, that was a... bit descriptive on my part... Moving on!)

I've known from the start that both Drew and my Daddy are Bisexual so I didn't think coming out to them would be a problem, and it wasn't.

The harder thing was that... Well... I think that I might be seriously falling for both of them like... romantically. 

I'm not sure what to do about it though. I mean, aren't incestuous relationships illegal? 

I'm sorry, I got off the subject again. Darn you virginal teenage-almost-adult mind. Oh, that's another thing, I'm seventeen by the way. (I'm of legal age in our state! Whoo hoo for me!)

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