Story Four - Locked Out and Snowed In

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A/N Hey guys! Long time no see! Sorry for not posting in so long but... well, it just didn't happen and the days that I didn't update got farther and farther apart. Yup, sorry. :( Anywho, I'm back with an update!

Hope you enjoy! ;)

Well crap.

Ezekiel P. Miller rolled his eyes and huffed, irritably running a hand through his short brown hair and staring condescendingly down at the locked green door in front of him. His locked green door that he didn't have the key to.

Well, this is just brilliant, and do you know why this is brilliant? Because it's bloody freezing out here!

Ezekiel huffed again and kicked at the bottom of his door in frustration, irritated at the situation but mostly at himself for leaving his house keys quite responsibly in the bowl on his desk... at the office... which was about a twenty-minute drive away through one of the worse snow storms they had seen yet this winter.

And you wanna know why else this is brilliant? The office is closed by now, and that's not the only other thing no, of course, that isn't the only other reason because just my luck; the only way I can get a good night's sleep is to ask the neighbor for a room! How bloody brilliant and pathetic is that that I ask you?!?

A strangled, half frustrated and perturbed sound gurgled its way out of Ezekiel's throat and he kicked at a powdery mound of snow that was sitting on the edge of his porch, making it 'woomph' as his boot made contact with the center of it and sending it sailing off into his equally snow covered, postage stamp sized yard.

He was calm now, and he further underlined this fact by taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, the inhale making his chest burn from the cold air rushing into his lungs and the exhale exiting in a cloud of smoke before it dissipated into the chilled night air silently; big chunks of feathery light snow falling swiftly all around him.

It wouldn't have been so bad if this was the first time he had forgotten his keys but, it really wasn't and he had seriously tried hard not to forget the importance his keys held so he wouldn't have to repeat the charade of being locked out of his nice, warm and comfortable house.

Not to mention the fact that he was freezing out here and his teeth were chattering away a mile a minute; at the same time coming to the reality that he had also left his gloves at the office... most likely laying in a neat pile right next to the bowl where his keys still were... bother.

"So Ezekiel? What are you gonna do now genius?"

He did this often, spoke to himself and then answered his own questions. He frequently received an odd look or to, but he had learned to ignore them because heck, he was gonna do what worked best for him and talking to himself quietly wasn't disturbing anybody; that and it helped him get his work done better.

A particularly cold gust of wind blew through the neighborhood and Ezekiel shivered, the wind feeling like solid ice as it slapped across his face and whipped his hair around his head as if it were purposefully grabbing handfuls and tugging at the wind-beaten strands.

Well, one thing's for sure, I'm not staying out here any longer.

Ezekiel cast one last longing look at his door before he turned and trudged through the snow, back down his short walkway and making a left when he came to the end of it; making a trail through the heavy powder as he turned another left and plodded up his closest neighbors walkway. He rubbed his hands together rapidly and breathed warm air into his cupped hands in an attempt to keep them warm, hunching his shoulders and stuffing his hands into his pockets after he had pounded on the painted red door in front of him, the door itself made blurry by the whirlwind of snow that was currently dumping down on him.

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