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After a few hours of doing their individual activities (except Sora and Kairi they did Archery, and Kairi and Jasmine who did Horseback riding.) They were in 3rd period already, blob. Kairi changed into a blue bikini with purple stripes that fit with her already curvy body and Jasmine changed into a plain lemon-green bikini with loose decorative bows on the sides of the bottom part that showed her slender body.

Sora changed into aqua-colored trunks with what looked like yellow pockets on both sides and Riku changed into red swim trunks with black lines going in different directions.

Sora and Riku waited near the line to get on the blob for the girls to get changed. "I don't get why girls take so long to change", Sora crossed his arms. "The wait better be worth it", Riku said. "Whoa there, calm yourself", Sora grinned. Riku elbowed Sora lightly in the arm. Sora rubbed his arm while laughing.

Sora and Riku grew silent as they saw Kairi and Jasmine walk towards them. "Oh yeah, the wait was SO worth it", Riku breathed. "I love that bikini on her", Sora whispered.

"I should've brought my camera", Riku said to himself, as if not listening to Sora. "I don't wanna know anymore of your thoughts, dude", Sora grinned and started to walk towards the girls walking towards them.

"Hi girls", Sora smiled playfully. "Hi, so you wanna get on the blob already?", Kairi asked with a smile. Sora nodded. "Uh, what's wrong with Riku?", Jasmine whispered to Sora. Riku was just staring. "You don't wanna know, come on, let's get in line before more people come here", Sora said as he walked in line, Jasmine behind.

Kairi walked towards Riku, still staring at Jasmine with an open mouth. "Dude, snap out of it", Kairi laughed and nudged his head lightly. That was enough to bring Riku back to reality. "Huh? Oh, hey Kai", Riku smiled with embarrasment.

"Come on, lover boy, let's get in line with your 'girlfriend' and Sora", Kairi laughed as she and Riku walked towards the line. "Oh, and Sora said that he loves the way that bikini fits you", Riku grinned. "He...did?", Kairi blushed. "Yeah, so it wasn't only me", Riku laughed as they got in back of Jasmine and Sora. It was Sora, then Jasmine, then Kairi, and then Riku.

Sora and Kairi looked at each other and nodded. "Hey, Riku, I'm sorta nervous of the blob, can you go ahead of me?", Kairi abruptly went in back of Riku and started to push him towards Jasmine.

Sora stumbled backwards and pushed Jasmine towards Riku. "Oh, sorry Jasmine, these people are so rude", Sora said. Now, Jasmine and Riku were back-to-back. Jasmine felt her cheeks heating up. Riku had to bite his lip. Even though it was very little, it felt so unbelievable to have contact with her; Jasmine's back against Riku's back, skin-to-skin.

Sora and Kairi gave a thumbs up to each other and held back laughter at their reactions. Riku and Jasmine quickly turned to each other and took one baby step back. "Uh...s-s-sorry", Riku stammered. " too", Jasmine said quietly, her cheeks turning a dark pink.

"Come on, you guys, we're next", Kairi called to Riku and Jasmine. They were right. Sora and Kairi were already on the platform, almost ready to jump on the big float blob. "It's only two people at a time", Jasmine said, as she and Riku went next to the ladder.

"Yeah, but if you didn't walk, you would've lost your place", Sora said. The councelor with the hose wet the end where Sora was going to jump on, so it wouldn't hurt when he jumped. "Ok, whenever you're ready", the councelor said.

There were only 3 people on the blob, all of them were girls, This'll be easy, Sora thought with a grin on his face.

(Author's Note: A blob is an inflatable balloon that they put on water. People usually jump on it and try to stay on as long as possible... The blob in this story can hold a total of 7 people...'s pretty big..)

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