《Remus x Reader》- My Furry Partner

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3rd POV

You walked into the common room after muttering the password of 'dragon's breath' and noticed the boys sat huddled around the fire.

"Hey (Y/N)! Did you notice the password is named after you this term?" Sirius cackled with laughter as soon as you sat down between James and Remus.

"Ha. Ha. You're hilarious Pad." You said whilst rolling my eyes- what a jerk. James joined in with his companions laughter and tears sprung from his eyes.

Cautiously, you leaned towards Remus, "what's up with them two?"

"No idea," he replied- whilst leaning closer, "they've been like this since they drank that bottle of butterbeer at dinner between the- WAIT A MINUTE!" He stood up, looking like Sherlock once he had fitted all the pieces of the puzzle together. The boys wouldn't get that reference though.

"That bottle wasn't full of butterbeer WAS IT?" He said with his hands on his hips mock-scolding them.

"What's it to you Moony?" Sirius garbled, tongue sticking out like a child.

"Yeah Moony!" James chimed in, "just get back to snogging (Y/N)!"

Once again, they erupted into laughter, and ran up the stairs to their dorm as if their life depended on it.

Peter sat there for a moment contemplating if he should follow them or not- his eyes flitting between you and Remus whose faces were quickly dusted red and the stairs to the dorm. Standing up, he made his decision and scuttled off to see what mischief the pair were causing without even leaving the dorm.

"Well I've got to-" You began.

"I should really-" Remus started; both of you making hand gestures to your own dorms whilst smiling bashfully, each now having a small patch of pink gracing your cheeks.

"Haha." You both chuckled simultaneously.

"G'night Remus."

"Good night (Y/N)."

A glorious time skip

Still 3rd POV

Two howls could be heard in the distance.

Each worshipping the moon- blissfully unaware of the other's existence. Until, one with a slight tint of (Y/H/C) cocked it's head at the slight echo it heard. It shook it's head but went to investigate nonetheless. This happened vice-versa with the other hunched-over shadow.

Both drawing closer and closer to the other. Their meeting was inevitable- however fate had still left it this long.

The two soft noses bumped against each other, eyes trained on the ground looking for tracks of sorts.

Brown and (Y/E/C) irises meet- and both bodies recoiled in surprise of bumping in to another one of it's kind.

The (Y/H/C) one shifted from paw-to-paw with it's tongue lolling out in excitement. The other cocked it's head but realised immediately what it's new-found friend wanted to do as it shot off without warning- head glancing backwards now and then with eagerness lighting up their eyes. He shot forward becoming a chaser and howled in exhilaration of this freeing feeling.

Another time skippp

James, Sirius and Peter had noticed (Y/N) and Remus weren't there during breakfast, but the only comment which was made was Sirius wiggling his eyebrows at James, and in response, milk shot out of the latter's nose.

The three crept towards the Willow, ensuring the coast was clear as they had sneaked out of History of Magic to check up on their friends. It's not like Professor Binns would even notice they were gone.

Peter transformed and scuttled towards the nook which he would press to allow his other friends through.

None of them uttered a word as they walked into the room where their other two friends lay, with ripped up uniforms and hands around waists.

I'm loving time skips today

"Soooo," you drew out whilst staring at Remus.

You were both in the infirmary due to how much fun you had last night (A/N 😉) so Madam Pomphrey had to let you both stay the night.

"Listen (Y/N), I've always been scared to say something to you because I've always thought I'm just so unlovable and I'll never be as good as I should be for anyone- for you. And well, all I wanted to say was that I really like you and maybe after all this hospital stuff has blown over we can maybe do something together?"

You froze shocked, "is the Remus Lupin asking me out?" A slight smirk playing on your lips, with one eyebrow cocked upwards.

"Erm- I mean- you don't have to- I was just-"

"Of course Remus," you reassured whilst smiling at his flustered state, "potions essay in the kitchens at 7?"

"I'll be there." A smile appearing on his scar-ridden face, "I wouldn't miss it."

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