A Princess was Born

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Queen Grace breathed heavily while she pushed, getting ready to have the princess, the next ruler of their kingdom if the princess were to marry. Her face was deathly pale, the whole pregnancy seemed to be taking the life out of her. The King was holding her hand tightly. His eyes were full of worry and his mouth set in a stern line. The guards were out searching for the magical flower that was known to restore health and age in the body. Some people told stories about the flower, that it could tell what the body needed, either age or health. The Queen didn't care if the stories were true she just wanted to see her baby princess at least once, even if it killed her.
The servants and workers of the castle all waited in anticipation to hear the news about the new princess. The Kingdom was getting ready to celebrate the birth of a royal. Cake was being baked, songs were being played, allowing the people to dance around happily. A feast was being made in the royal kitchen inside the castle. Chickens, soaps, turkeys, Oh my! Shouting between the cooks and servers were heard from the halls of the castle. The Kingdom was surely alive.
The guards that were on the search for the flower were racing their horses though the forests, not knowing where the glowing flower had it's roots at, one petal from the flower could save their beloved queen's life.
"Captain, over here!" shouted a young guard, who was on a hill that curved down and became a cliff, there, located on the little patch of land, was the glowing yellow and purple flower. The Captain of the guard jumped off his white horse and walked quickly down the hill, careful not to lose his footing. The others on the patrol watched ready if anything happened. Little did they know an old witch was on the search for the flower that could make her young again.
The guard picked up the flower delicately and put it in the chest they were given to carry it carefully to the castle. He quickly got back on his horse, Maximus, barking orders at his group to move quickly back to the castle.
The guards rushed though the castle while the Queen was getting paler and paler, her breathing getting thinner and thinner. The Captain rushed in, "We've got it, we've got it!" He shouted rushing the flower to the nurses. The nurses quickly unwrapped the flower and took a petal off the flower, delictlely cutting the petal up and putting it into the water concoction that they had mixed up. The King helped the Queen sit up slowly and the medic put the bowl with the medicine to the queen' s lip.
The Queen took a sip, but it was to late, the flower reached a minute to late. Her eyes fluttered shut and a final push from the Queen produced a crying sound that wasn't hers was heard. The princess was born but the Queen had took her last breath.

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